Information and thoughts on nutrients on plants


Whats going on everybody? This is my first grow and I just bought the foxfarm trio pack, which consist of Grow Big, Tiger Bloom, and Big Bloom. It gives u a feeding chart and thats where my questions comes in

my plants are 2 weeks and are still small in height, the feeding chart says to mix 2tsp of grow big and tiger bloom each to 1 gallon of water....

Will that mix be too stong? If so what strength should i use it at, and should i foliar feed or apply directly to the soil, or both? Any advice would be great, thanks everyone


Well-Known Member
yeah its probably wise to start off slow. then as they get bigger increase the dosage as nessacery. good luck man


Well-Known Member
Hey ya massacur,

Yea, start them on one-fourth strength at the end of 3 weeks. They should be alright at that age to start nutrients. Watch them carefully for the 1st few days to see if any thing good or bad develops. Hopefully, it's all good and should be. From there on increase the nutrient strength each week and watch for the plant's reaction to the nutrient strength. The other thing to do and one I highly recommend is to get a Ph and PPM meter so you know the strength of the nutes and the Ph level. They are both pretty important to know; especially when bad things happen to your girls instead of good.

Good luck,

GoGreen...Grow Green.



Well-Known Member
2tsp, 20ml per gallon for a youngling isn't very good. What kind of soil are you using? If you're using foxfarm, you should just add water for maybe a month. Theres enough nutrients in the soil already. When its about 1 months age, then you should add 2tsps, or maybe 1.5. Usually you don't want to go with what the manufacturer label says and go a little less. Good luck ! :D


Thanks for all the input everyone i really apperciate it.. i do have a Ph tester, because i am into gardening in genral but this is my first "grow" this year.... My Ph is at 7 right now so that isnt to bad at all... The soil im using is 2 parts master nusery gadeners gold organic soil, and 1 part sand, Im doing a outdoor grow so i do have to depend on the weather for sun... But all the advice you guys gave me seems pretty consistant so i will wait it out a lil bit then when things start rollin ill update you guys and uploadsome pics..... THNAKS AGAIN EVERYONE