injured plant


Active Member
my dam fan fell and broke two pretty fan leaves off one of my plants and cracked the main stalk on the other but its still standing....will this hurt my plants later?? especially the one that got two fan leaves chopped


Well-Known Member
depending on size of plants, no. unless very small. to help the cracked plant heal u can use some tape and a toothpick to splint it but i just leave it alone.


Well-Known Member
It will survive, you may have to stake it up so it doesn't fall over but don't worry, hapens in nature often.


Active Member
what everybody else is saying is bang on ...when i have a wee accident like the one you've had i use a straw slit up the middle and cut to the right size for my splint its a wee bit fiddley but it works ..even better if the plant is small


I recently had my fluorescent fixture fall on one of my mothers. Broke a few limbs off completely and broke one of the main "stalks" in half. I propped it back up and within a week or 2 it had fully repaired itself.

So don't give up on her just yet!