Innate Psychedelics

yooo heres somethin i wrote, some food for thought...

N,N-Dimethyltryptamine, more commonly known as DMT, is a natural psychedelic compound produced by the human brain. It is also a part of the natural make up of mammals, marine animals, flowers, roots, mushrooms, molds, barks, toads, frogs, grasses, and peas just to name a few. (Strassman, 42) DMT is considered to be the most potent psychedelic compound known to man. It can be heated and inhaled by humans, and in effect, the world as one may experience it completely disappears, and the body and mind is propelled into a new timeless universe to meet with enlightening, yet peculiar beings. Many users talk of seeing or communicating with alien life forms, gods, or other spiritual beings while under the influence of DMT. Some feel DMT transports them into another dimension or parallel universe. These same effects occur when the brain releases DMT into the body. So why is this extremely powerful, not to mention extremely illegal, substance in our own bodies? If the information on our brains production of DMT is explored, it provides significant evidence to prove that humans do indeed have a spirit, and that our spirit can reach other worlds.
DMT is produced by the pineal gland, a mysterious organ found in the center of the brain; the location and development of this gland may suggest its spiritual properties. It may be located deep in the center of the brain because it needs greater protection from the environment, because of its potential significance. The pineal gland is strategically located close to cerebrospinal fluid channels, which allow its secretions of DMT to access the most responsive parts of the brain. Although the pineal gland is located in the center of the brain, it is not actually part of the brain. It develops from tissues in the roof of the fetal mouth than later moves to the center of the brain. The pineal gland becomes visible in an unborn fetus seven weeks after conception. Interestingly enough, at nearly the exact moment in which the pineal gland becomes visible, the gender of the fetus can be determined. “Thus, the pineal gland and the most important differentiation of humanity, male or female gender, appear at the same time.” (Strassman, 61) It also contains all of the necessary elements to make DMT. Serotonin is absolutely necessary in DMT production; the pineal gland happens to possess more serotonin than anywhere else in the body. The pineal gland can then convert this serotonin into tryptamine; another necessary step in DMT formation. Could this information suggest that the pineal gland was “made” to initiate mystical experiences or altered states of consciousness?
DMT is only secreted by our pineal gland at specific times; the timing of these secretions may also suggest the spiritual aspects of DMT and the pineal gland. Anti-DMT proteins, and a rather sophisticated security system around the pineal gland prevent the accidental production of DMT. It makes sense for humans to possess this “security system” because of how disabling the secretion of DMT is to the body and mind. These blockades, however, can be disabled. One way to disable these blockades is through a phenomenon called “resonance.” Resonance is when the pineal gland begins to vibrate at frequencies that weaken its many barriers to DMT production. As a result, states of mystical consciousness occur. One way to achieve this resonance is through deep meditation or prayer. When in deep meditation or prayer people often describe blinding white light, encounters with demonic or angelic beings, ecstatic emotions, loss of sense of time, heavenly sounds, feelings of having died and being reborn, and contacting a powerful and loving presence, all characteristics of a fully psychedelic DMT experience. DMT is also released by our pineal gland during conception and birth. When the pineal gland first emerges, a rush of DMT is released. This implies that the pineal gland acts as an antenna for the spirit, and that when the spirit, or life force, enters the fetal body it passes through the pineal gland and triggers the first rush of DMT. Could it be that during this time we officially become a rational human being, rather than just a physical being? DMT is also secreted during near-death experiences and death. In fact, after a human has died the pineal gland can still produce and release DMT for a few hours or longer. This suggests that as we die the spirit leaves the body through the pineal gland, releasing another flood of DMT, allowing the energy or spirit to travel into another dimension.
There has been extensive research done on the effects of DMT, the research provides a better understanding to what exactly DMT does to the body and mind. Doctor Rick Strassman MD, injected volunteers with DMT intravenously to examine the drugs effects in depth. After being injected with DMT, one of his volunteers Philip states “How beautiful, how beautiful!” (Strassman, 15) and tears begin falling down his face. After the experience he states, “Now that was what you would call a transcendent experience. I died and went to heaven…” (Strassman, 15) Another volunteer, Carlos, wrote this after his experience:
“There’s a whole different world with architecture and landscape. I saw one or two beings there. The beings even have gender. The skin was not flesh-colored. I communicated with them but there wasn't enough time. I was so strung out, excited, agitated when I arrived there. They wanted to try and reduce my anxiety so we could relate.” (Strassman, 190)
Gabe, another volunteer recorded the following after his dose of DMT:
“There was an initial sense of panic. Then the most beautiful colors coalesced into beings. There were lots of beings. They were talking to me but they weren’t making a sound. It was as if they were blessing me, the sprits of life were blessing me. They were saying that life was good. At first I felt like I was going through a cave or a tunnel or into space, at a fast rate, definitely. I felt like a ball hurtling down wherever it was.” (Strassman, 190)
Chris, another volunteer stated the following after his experience:
“It was wild. There were no colors. There was the usual sound: pleasant, a roar, a sort of internal hum. Then there were three beings, three physical forms. There were rays coming out of their bodies and then back to their bodies. They were reptilian and humanoid, trying to make me understand, not with words, but with gestures. They wanted me to look into their bodies. I saw inside them and understood reproduction, what it’s like before birth, the passage into the body. Once I established what they were communicating, they didn't just fade away. They stayed there for quite a while. There presence was very solid.” (Strassman, 191)
The volunteers that received injections of DMT had to write down their experience immediately after they came back to reality. This is because the human brain prevents one from remembering the experience only minutes after; potentially because the world it launches the body and mind into is something sacred, and is not supposed to be contacted until we pass away. It seems that every volunteer contacted strange entities, and the entities wanted to and did interact with them. Maybe their spirits were launched into other parts of the universe, parts that are in no way reachable by our physical bodies.
Could the DMT molecule be a vehicle into other realms or parallel universes that aren’t apparent to the human eye? Could the production of DMT in our brains suggest that we hold a spirit in our bodies, and that we are more than just skin, bones, and organs? Or does DMT merely produce hallucinations that are entirely made from our minds, concluding that these “other worlds” exist nowhere else? From the evidence available one can be lead to believe that humans do have spirits, and through the production of DMT the spirit can travel to foreign mystical worlds.
“When we pass through death, the physical body remains behind in the earth forces, the etheric body dissolves into the cosmic forces, and we find our continuing life, our existence, in the realms between death and a new birth” (Stiener, 117)

BY: David Waldeck
Alot of generalisation and some assumptions, but yeah DMT will blow the shit off whatever you always thought was going on behind the scenes.
It is NOT as extreme as a salvia breakthrough, in that you can to some extent disengage from the experience, albeit you feel like you are on 20g of mushrooms for a few minutes if you do....
I have only had it disolve my ego once, and it was the pinnacle experience of my life.... like I always thought my first acid trip was... but that was a new watershed moment, and it came after countless DMT trips, totaly unexpected and unanounced. I have seen people with high sensitivity to it, break straight through into "entity space" on their first try (I never tell them there are entities on the other side, as I don;t like preprograming the experience). If it happens it happens... for me it almost never does. I'm afraid when yo ugo deep enough there is not enough seperation left to even be a self, and certainly not enough left for any other entities.