Insanely complex problem. Can you help? with pictures

The short plant is a sour diesel/bubble gum cross, and the tall one is a white widow/purple eurkle cross

they are beginning their third week of flowering, each plant is 3-4 feet under a separate 1000 watt HPS.

They have 1500ppm of CO2 at all times during the daylight

The room is a 50-60% humidity at all times and 70 degrees F though the previous two weeks had 80 degrees F

They are watered via high pressure foggers every 10 minutes for 15 seconds

They are run off a 35 gallon reservoir that is 68 degrees F at all times with 500 ppm of RO filtrated water with advance nutrients connoisseur, some cal mag, silica, vitamin B, superthrive, and beneficial bacteria/fungus. though for the last two weeks this was at 1000ppm. the pH is constantly in the range of 5.5 to 6.0 without fail.

the Bottoms are a lush green with some old burn marks here and there, while the tops are pointing to god for help, completely Lime green with drastic cupping, so much so that some leaves are completely curled in like an ancient scroll (the secrets of good ganja locked deep within). the leaf tips looks like they are starting to burn now. ever since the start of flowering, the plants have been on decline, with the tops starting to yellow. Epsom salts were added at the end of the first week, but the plants still kept on declining, the reservoir was flushed halfway through the second week, and a small amount of a micro nutrient solution containing some zinc was added. again the plant kept declining, the reservoir was flushed again, at the end of the second week and the nutrient concentration was lowered to 500ppm, some of the color appears to be returning but marginally, and the cupping has worsened to what it is now.

What else could be wrong? its not too hot, its not neglected pH, could it be nutrient burn, if so why would cupping get worse? could it be chlorophyll bleaching from too much light? could it be too few nutrients, or some specific nutrient deficiency?



Well-Known Member
Epsom salt is MgSO4 + 7H2O, which means it consists of about 10% Mg and 13% S. If a teaspoon of epsom salt weighs 5g and a gallon of water water weighs 3785g, then a 1/2 tsp per gallon solution is about 660ppm (2.5g/3787.5g*1000000). Since epsom salt is 10% Mg and 13% S, that same solution is 66ppm Mg and 86ppm S. I believe the remaining 508ppm is simply water and oxygen (2O2 + 7H2O), and therefore would not contribute to TDS levels.

how much calmag did you use and which kind?
with the epsom you are at 66ppm magnesium...


Well-Known Member
Also what are you using to keep system free of pathogens etc.? I think the root system is rotting.
Also what are you using to keep system free of pathogens etc.? I think the root system is rotting.
Nah, the Roots are amazing, if the top looked like the bottom the plant would be space... and thats a good place to be...its in air so root rot is not a problem, the reservoir is also full of good microbes and is being heavily aerated.

but that brings me to an idea, could the reservoir aeration be causing the iron to fall out of solution and be causing an iron deficiency???

as for what light it was vegging under, they each had their own 1000 watt metal halide. Could the increase in the red spectrum energy flux be bleaching the chlorophyll?


Well-Known Member
get rid of the c02...its useless.

it looks like a nitrogen deficiency and a magnesium/iron deficiency. If you where in veg, i would say spray with iron chelate( foliar)

I would say FLUSH the reservoir and re nute with a veg formula at half strength. Are your nutes organic. See how they respond in 4 days. Also get rid of the c02

In addition you are supposed to use 1 table spoon of epsom salt per plant when you use it. Since you have a Res. you are using much too little.

1. Flush res. nute with veg formula
2. rid of c02
3. 1 tbl sppon of epsom salt per plant

my 2 cents


Well-Known Member
get rid of the c02...its useless.

it looks like a nitrogen deficiency and a magnesium/iron deficiency. If you where in veg, i would say spray with iron chelate( foliar)

I would say FLUSH the reservoir and re nute with a veg formula at half strength. Are your nutes organic. See how they respond in 4 days. Also get rid of the c02

In addition you are supposed to use 1 table spoon of epsom salt per plant when you use it. Since you have a Res. you are using much too little.

1. Flush res. nute with veg formula
2. rid of c02
3. 1 tbl sppon of epsom salt per plant

my 2 cents

CO2 does not hurt and probably helps. Where did you get your anti-co2 attitude?

1 table spoon of epsom per gallon is 380PPM magnesium sulfate. no? any why would frying the garden be good?


Well-Known Member
I need to chime in that one time, as a youngster, I put in 1tbps per gallon of epsom salts in my first hydro system.

Talk about a fuck up!! I fried the entire room. It took me 8 years to get back into the 'dro.


Active Member
it looks like a nitrogen deficiency to me, but do check your ph meter, keep the co2, but step down the ppms till you get your plants stable. epsom salts may help, I would use a little hydrogen peroxide in your rez also