Insect damage or mineral deficiency?

It starts with yellow dots on the leaves, then the whole leaf turns yellow and the spots turn brown. Eventually the whole leave withers and dies. It's been happening towards the bottom and working its way to the top. This started 3 weeks ago. 2 Weeks ago I started adding Bud Swell and black strap molasses (3 tbsp each per gallon) and Tiger Bloom as a foliar spray. I've also been using neem oil about once per week. The soil should have all the nitrogen it needs. I added a bunch of Super Tea early on and there should be no way it used all of that up yet. I'm also worried that it hasn't started budding yet. I am a complete noob. Anybody experienced care to diagnose the problem? I would be very appreciative.



Active Member
why adding all this bloom stuff and you say they arnt budding yet and the bloom fert is lower in nitro and looks as if they arnt getting enuf,,i usually wait until 2nd or 3rd week of budding b4 adding any of that..and i would hold off on the neem oil until you notice a problem that calls for using it..and your lite schedule will determine when they start to bud so dont get to worried,the buds will come...i would water with just water for 2 waters,and start adding some 20-20-20 fert,then 2 or 3 weeks into budding start with you bloom fert every 3rd watering..(just my opinion) good luck.


Well-Known Member
what does the stem look like? is there mildew or bumps all over the stem? kinda looks like a fungus of some sort.
If I have already have been adding 0-7-0 ferts + black strap, do I really want to add 20-20-20? If it's just low on nitrogen, wouldn't I want to add something higher in nitrogen for the next week or 2?


We have had this same problem and have thrips!! Do you have a loom or magnifying glass? Turn the leaves over and rule out that. I would look at the bottom leaves and see if you can see any bugs. If not you can rule that out. Good luck!!
I think plan A is to add some nitrogen. I added a bunch of super tea early on, but with all the rain we've been getting, it could have easily been flushed. It's been 6 weeks since I added any nitrogen based ferts. Next season I'll be a little wiser an apply it gradually.

I think I have any insect problem taken care of with neem oil.

Water pH could possibly be an issue. I have read that clay increases the pH of the soil. The spot is all clay and a lot of it seeped back into my hole. I did full soil replacement and I was a little short on soil, so there's a bit of a drop off for the clay to accumulate in. Problem is I don't have any way of testing the pH of the soil and I don't have money to shell out on testing equipment right now.

Nitrogen deficiency seems the most logical. I'm going to pick up some Bio-Grow and apply it tomorrow night. I'll follow up with pics on a Saturday. If no results, then I'll look at the pH of the soil.