Inside/outside help


Well-Known Member
So since im no longer able to grow im gettin a friend to and he is paranoid and wont look at weed sites online so i am askin questions for him. Were eventualy moving the plants outside but are starting them inside. Question 1 is how long should they grow inside before we move them outside. I know we at least have to wait till its warm but is it ok if they only get like 3 inches tall before gettin moved or should we wait longer?

Next question is do we need to do anything to them like stress tests before movin out or is just puttin a fan on them enough to get them ready for the great outdoors? I know we have to do stuff to the soil but i just want to k ow how to prep the plants not the soil.

Thanks for all the help i can get out of anyone. Sorry it was long im on the ipod and hi and it is just fun to lay and type stuff.
The bigger they are before ya bring them outside the better.

When does it get warm enough where ya live to bring them out?

1 month inside will be fine.
So since im no longer able to grow im gettin a friend to and he is paranoid and wont look at weed sites online so i am askin questions for him. Were eventualy moving the plants outside but are starting them inside. Question 1 is how long should they grow inside before we move them outside. I know we at least have to wait till its warm but is it ok if they only get like 3 inches tall before gettin moved or should we wait longer?

Next question is do we need to do anything to them like stress tests before movin out or is just puttin a fan on them enough to get them ready for the great outdoors? I know we have to do stuff to the soil but i just want to k ow how to prep the plants not the soil.

Thanks for all the help i can get out of anyone. Sorry it was long im on the ipod and hi and it is just fun to lay and type stuff.
1. 3 inches seems a bit short. i would wait until they're atleast a 6-8" and have developed root system.

2. i've never grown outside but i'd dig up all the soil where you plan on growing and use your own.

3. if you have to do any type of "training" then the temps/winds/huidity outside probably aren't good for growing