inside, outside


Active Member
I grew my plants (about 10) inside to get a jump start and then i just transplanted them outside about two days ago. with in 10 minutes of puting them in the ground they became very droppy looking. I was planning on watering them emeditatly anyways. I dont know if it was the sun or what. What would be the cause of this? What can i do get them out of this condition?
it good to give your plants a slow transition when moving them outdoors, if possible put them inside for the night. If they are already planted in the ground you can use large glass jars (so long as their small) or you can make mini A-frame green houses out of plastic to shelter them from the wind and cold.


Active Member
its best to do what treehopper them into going outside a bit..but depending on your weather and soil conditions where you put that at,could have something to do with it.and when transplanting..they always get a lil droopy.. go with sticking something over a mini geenhouse effect at least for the first week of being outside.depending on how big they are anyways....
but they should perk up after a day or two...
i always water the ground where im going to put them,before i put them in there and give the ground a lil time to suck up the water..that way your not transplanting into mud.....
hope it works out for ya tho..


Active Member
i just put them in the ground from there pot from inside. I should have done a slow transition. What can i do to get them out of the droopiness?