

Well-Known Member
for the last week or so, shitty things have been hapening. ive had like three differnent guns pulled on me for ridiculous things... ive been so fucking stressed lately( btw all money and buds jacked..) i cant sleep at all maybe 15 hours this past week., wut in the fuck is there to do? i feel like im losing my mind, i think way to much about everything and every outcome, to cope with this excessive thinking thing i got going on, i kinda just dulls me down and i feel normal again., but im outy. advice more than appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Ride it out bloke. You say you're out of weed? If you're a heavy smoker, you'll have a shitload of trouble sleeping if you're like me.
I can't sleep at the best of times, let alone without being a little buzzed. Anxiety should be expected by the sounds of what's been happening to you, so that won't help with your sleep either.
I sleep about four hours a night on average. If I've been up all night due to insomnia, I generally sleep for around six hours through the day. That really fucks your day up.


Well-Known Member
dude. its that way for u to? a reg. day for me is smokin an eight or a quarter... ive smoked one bowl today. i cant deal with this, its rippin my head apart. i think i might scrape a peice or sumthin,,,two nights ago when i got robbed i just smoked like 6 grms of resin....i slept. but now im suffering from whooping coughs..


Well-Known Member
dude. its that way for u to? a reg. day for me is smokin an eight or a quarter... ive smoked one bowl today. i cant deal with this, its rippin my head apart. i think i might scrape a peice or sumthin,,,two nights ago when i got robbed i just smoked like 6 grms of resin....i slept. but now im suffering from whooping coughs..
Indica Man's Advice Column:

If you want to get control over the panic attacks (sorry, anxiety attacks) and control your insomnia while saving money, sloow down a little.
I know this will be hard, because it was for me. However, I managed to cut down from smoking roughly a quarter a day to only needing 1 or 2 grams a day. That's a 75% reduction in my 'neeed for weeed'. The whole idea is to ween yourself down to a level where the weed still works for you, but you're not over using. Do it slowly if you can. Maybe even try a couple of days weed free, but don't fall into the trap that I often did and make up for lost time by smoking a shitload more than you would anyway.
Find a dosage that works medicinally for you; helps you sleep and calms you down.

Go for a regular long walk if you can. It'll help your body to fight anxiety attacks. It'll also give you a natural Vitamin D boost from the sun. I know, sounds stupid, but it works ( and you can chooff up a few billies when you get home).

So, in summary, move more, smoke less. Natural medicine.


Well-Known Member
Yeah but it's hard to do. Worth it just for the money saving and the better mental health though

FWIW, I'm out 'til next week sometime. Managed to make a quarter last nearly six days with two people smoking. That works out to just over half a gram a day each. Normally we would each smoke a gram a day. So I guess, when you think that we could go through an ounce in around four days between the two of us (3.5g a day), we've done alright. I think that if I lived out in the scrub all the time, I'd have my own perpetual cropping cycle going and would still only smoke about a gram or two a day. That seems to be my medicinal level - where I get all the insomnia, pain, anxiety and depression relieving effects from cannabis. It also ensures my libido and my mojo keeps working (with thanks to Preston, Ann and Muddy).