dude. its that way for u to? a reg. day for me is smokin an eight or a quarter... ive smoked one bowl today. i cant deal with this, its rippin my head apart. i think i might scrape a peice or sumthin,,,two nights ago when i got robbed i just smoked like 6 grms of resin....i slept. but now im suffering from whooping coughs..
Indica Man's Advice Column:
If you want to get control over the panic attacks (sorry, anxiety attacks) and control your insomnia while saving money, sloow down a little.
I know this will be hard, because it was for me. However, I managed to cut down from smoking roughly a quarter a day to only needing 1 or 2 grams a day. That's a 75% reduction in my 'neeed for weeed'. The whole idea is to ween yourself down to a level where the weed still works for you, but you're not over using. Do it slowly if you can. Maybe even try a couple of days weed free, but don't fall into the trap that I often did and make up for lost time by smoking a shitload more than you would anyway.
Find a dosage that works medicinally for you; helps you sleep and calms you down.
Go for a regular long walk if you can. It'll help your body to fight anxiety attacks. It'll also give you a natural Vitamin D boost from the sun. I know, sounds stupid, but it works ( and you can chooff up a few billies when you get home).
So, in summary, move more, smoke less. Natural medicine.