Insomniacs anonymous


Well-Known Member
figured we could use are own thread. i have RLS. so they say. i think it might be nerve damage in my back. i've had a few brutal falls on the tail bone. now when i sit for more than a few minutes i get bad back pains. at night these pains travel from my lower back and shoot out throughout my body. then there's the itching and twitching. i'll be awaken, just as i slip into sleep, by the smallest most irritating itch on my earlobe. WTF? then i start to drift off again and my foot starts to hurt so i have to move it. then my eyebrow itches....... could be residuals from my meth days. they have put my on severals meds including clonipin. i prefer the pot. it has the least side effects and provides the most reliable relief for me. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Im in the club. I have never been diagnosed with anything but i just cant sleep. I can only sleep when im tired. So if im not tired its not happening. I've layed in bed trying my hardest to fall asleep for like 6 hrs and still i have to get up. I stay up 2 days straight about once a week sometimes 2. I do get tired but who wants to go to sleep in the middle of the day and wake up in the middle of the night. So u sually i just stay awake until 9 or 10 pm and sleep until 7am.


Well-Known Member
damn man that sucks, do you watch tv when you go to sleep that the only way i can go to sleep.... I'll watch an old movie or something semi interesting and smoke a big bong hit and just lay there and drift off into sleep.:peace:

Micheal Kelso

Well-Known Member
Happens to me all the time too - all the years of skateboarding and snowboarding catching up to me. I have Scoliosis that causes muscle spasms in my back constantly. The doctors give me all kinds of muscle relaxers and pain killers but I still just prefer the weed.

I have to take the pills sometimes though :sleep:


Well-Known Member
That doesnt work for me Token. I used to have to listen to the radio to fall asleep but that doesnt even work anymore. Then it was the fan. I couldnt sleep without it even when it was winter. that dont help anymore. I just had some little bastards crank calling me starting at 2:00 am. They called like 20 times. Pisses me off. I guess i have a reason to stay up tonight.I just got a hps and i didnt have enough time to see how hot it was before 12/12. So now i can check it when it comes on.


Well-Known Member
it affects my work. if i don't medicate i too will go sleepless for days. i get so tired my mind starts spinning and i just can't relax. this has been going on for over 10 years. i've tried it all. exercise, diet, pills, herbs,...... i can usually fall asleep after reading in bed. i lay down with a book and read until i drop the book. most nights i get in a chapter or 2. sometimes i read a book in 2 days. i can usually tell after 10 mins if i'm gonna sleep or not. until then i never know. i will fall half asleep on the couch but by the time i get to bed i'm wide awake. once i do fall asleep i get one shot. once i wake that's it. there's no going back to sleep for me. i just can't do it. it all sucks. i love sleeping.


Well-Known Member
I love sleeping too. Once i get to sleep i can go a good 12hrs. Im jobless right now but usually if im working im so tired when i get home i can sleep. Hell it might even be stress from not being able to find a job around here. You know the economy sucks when you cant even get a job at mcdonalds. I would move right the fuck out of here but my girlfriend dont want to leave college or her parents.


Well-Known Member
i love my son. he just popped awake, "dude, dude, dude", what son? "those bones, you put, bones, those little ones, dude, dude......" hella funny. he was wide awake yet still asleep. i kissed him and said i loved him. he's snoring now.


Well-Known Member
lol I gotta cousin that will have a full conversation while hes sleeping and not remember a thing in the morning. The shit he says is funny as hell too.

Micheal Kelso

Well-Known Member
Heh - staying up late tonight on purpose, don't want to miss the eclipse.

Gonna take some photos of it - the sky is super clear it should look good.

Hey Fdd - when I got my medical card they said eating THC is better for twitchyness and sleeplessness - ever tried baking up a really potent cake and eating it and hour or 2 before bedtime?

I do it every once in a while but I usually just wake up so high it makes me more tired than if I just didn't sleep.


Well-Known Member
Heh - staying up late tonight on purpose, don't want to miss the eclipse.

Gonna take some photos of it - the sky is super clear it should look good.

Hey Fdd - when I got my medical card they said eating THC is better for twitchyness and sleeplessness - ever tried baking up a really potent cake and eating it and hour or 2 before bedtime?

I do it every once in a while but I usually just wake up so high it makes me more tired than if I just didn't sleep.
eating it is by far is the best for my condition. except i can't walk in the morning. that stuff really messes me up. like pot acid.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
i work at night and sleep during the day. i have to read in bed, otherwise my mind won't shut the fuck up long enough for me to relax.

doesn't help that i've been going without the sweet erb for about 3 months now. got another 3 and some change to go :(


Well-Known Member

I'd like to first start off by saying thanks to insomnia I now have too many hobbies. So, THANKS INSOMNIA!

Ehh cant think of anything else, Guess I'll end it here.


Well-Known Member
That doesnt work for me Token. I used to have to listen to the radio to fall asleep but that doesnt even work anymore. Then it was the fan. I couldnt sleep without it even when it was winter. that dont help anymore. I just had some little bastards crank calling me starting at 2:00 am. They called like 20 times. Pisses me off. I guess i have a reason to stay up tonight.I just got a hps and i didnt have enough time to see how hot it was before 12/12. So now i can check it when it comes on.
Thats where i'm at right now, I always have to have a fan and the tv on are else its a wast of time lying down.

Dr High

Well-Known Member
lol I gotta cousin that will have a full conversation while hes sleeping and not remember a thing in the morning. The shit he says is funny as hell too.
my girlfriend told me things i said. it seems as if in my dreams im paranoid telling people to shut the fuck up or something mean and agressive. lol when she tells me i just laugh. weed doesnt help me sleeping cuz im buzzing and i cant stop thinknig of trippy things and my mind keeps going. i use seroquel for my homocidal thoughts and sleeplessness. i also use prozacs for my manic depressive side. oh god. ritalin destroyed my mind when i was a child. i bet its still in my system.:evil: