Interested in growing outdoors

I am new to growing and interested in growing outdoors. What books do you recommend I read for some education on growing? Also, I need to buy some seeds. Where do you recommend I buy my seeds and also what precautions do you recommend that I take buying them? Thanks for the advice.

Trippy Stix

Active Member
dont buy into the books, everythings you need to know can be found with some google searches, forum reading, and first hand experience
mhm, books=waste.. everything needed to know is right here on rollitup! sit back and relax and do some thread searching for questions you have during your down time


New Member
Step 1. Get seed

Step 2. Place in soil

Step 3. Apply warmth till it pops

Step 4 harden it off to the sun

Step 5 profit! Its simple m8. Don't over think it. Just treat it as a tomato or pepper plant


New Member
If you are an outdoor gardener, and worried about stream runoff and other environmental toxins, you would also be interested in using organic fertilizers to grow your plants and crops. Instead of synthesized chemicals, you could use manure, slurry, or worm castings. There is much to choose from.