Interesting day at the mall


Well-Known Member
I was at the mall yesterday with my GF Christmas shopping for some of her friends and for my family. I was waiting in line at the ATM when a super tall guy with long hair (in a ponytail) wearing a long leather coat, stopped me and took me aside. "Hey homes, me and a few friends came up here from NH to go to a headshop (we actually do have prob the sickest headshop in New England) up here, we got a bunch of glass and now we dont have anything to smoke with it, do you think you could hook me up with a bag, I will give you 20 bucks for your trouble in getting it as well as pay 20 over the going cost of a OZ"

So my head starts doing that thinking thing, and it is doing it pretty quick, I told him that I smoke pot, but dont have any to sell, I also told him I could make a phone call for him (this was a lie, I had 3 ounces in my car because I was giving away some of my indoor for Christmas gifts to close friends) I ended up not hooking the dude up. It was jut WAY too sketchy for me, I dont dabble into deals anyway, and to hook up someone who I dont know at all would just be too much for my sketchball mind.

Has anyone else ever had stuff like that happen? or do I just look like way too much of a stoner/dealer?

Oh BTW my GF told me that if I had given him a bag she would have made me stop growing and would have made me sleep on the couch for the rest of our togetherness, so I guess it is a good thing that I didnt hook him up.


Well-Known Member
smart move dont sell or give any to someone you dont know good. and when i have a feeling about something bad its 99% right like one time an old friend or someone i went to school with was asking if a could get him weed got a bad feeling and sade no i dont smoke but my other friend hooked him up with a free bag to get him to come back two days later cops raided his house and know he is in jail no shit. and i also seen him standing next to a cop car shooting the shit i looked at him and shooted on the top of my lungs DONT SELL DRUGS TO THIS KID HE IS A FUCKING NARK PUSSY.


Well-Known Member
Yes you made the right move

I've had offers of that nature, as well as people just offering things to Chicago a few years ago I had someone following me on the street trying to convince me to go in an alley with him so he could sell me mushrooms......little did he know I was high as a kite on acid LMAO!

You gotta watch it


Well-Known Member
I probably would have done it... but I'm a dumb guy, when I was a kid I would sell oxycoden to strangers :wall::wall::wall: magically never got caught. and go to carnavles with a dutch in my hat so people would ask me for weed, I sold to alot of people I didnt know... looking back... I think I would still have done it, but I dont know... it was very dumb... :roll:

I never knew why people on TV always say are you a cop... like a cop is actualy going to say yes... but... they are obligiated by law to tell you if they're a cop if you ask


Well-Known Member
thats always my first website to hit when traveling!!! I LOVE THEM!!! not as much as RIU though :D... I tried getting weed where they told me to get it in my nehghborhood... and it was terible :( and they said that theres alot of beeper services
near me... I WANT to order from a beeper!!!! but I have never seen anything like that :(


Well-Known Member
LOL ^^

Yo I totally did this for where I used to live by....all this information is right dude the place they mention is some ghetto ass apartments, right next to a corner store LOL. Be scared if you're white

Law enforcement: will bust you on campus with fines <------- University of Illinois

Where to buy marijuana: HomeRun Scottswood on Washington St.

Marijuana prices: Home Run in Scottswood - 10$ for 3 blunts worth.
Dank - $50-$60.

More information: party on garth.
watch your back at homerun.
Here's the link Urbana, IL


Well-Known Member
ahhh scared white people will be running all over the place!!!! :P Almaty marijuana prices, and where to buy weed in Kazakhstan
this for my homwe town in kazakastan, me and Borat smoke ze ganja all day, it is verry nice!
no this is mine New York Marijuana prices and where to buy weed in New york, NY
they tell you you can get robbed :P, theres some good info there... I was able to get weed in alot of places with this site... I even was able to join a compasion club because of this site :)


Well-Known Member
Wow that's hilarious I can't believe this stuff exists.....makes me wanna try but there's nothing close to my house LOL

Best call: "papi, who got that work? or who got that yerba".


Well-Known Member

it says never buy in a toilet... I why? I bought some good ass weed inside a toilet once... yes inside of it


Well-Known Member
you would think the cops would be all on that site, and go to all thoes spots.... maybe its writen by cops TO LURE YOU IN!!! AHHHHH!!!


Well-Known Member
yea its pretty crazy. I almost forgot all about them! havnt gone anywear in over 6 months.
yea its pretty nuts that they've ben around for awhile I dont know how long (I found them about a year ago) and havn't had any problems... I cant believe that in thailand, its ok to kill people, and have sex with babies, but for possesion of anything its a seriouse crime :(. what a world


Well-Known Member
I cant believe that in thailand, its ok to kill people, and have sex with babies, but for possesion of anything its a seriouse crime

You can just kill someone for no reason?

Rape little babies?

Doesn't Michael Jackson live there....:blsmoke:


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
I have been on many vacations and asked if I want to buy some. The last time I was in Mexico, I used some weed I took with me to barter with in the shops, lol :mrgreen: They love the Canadian weed. :mrgreen: :peace:


Well-Known Member
I go to canada every year, and was never able to buy pot there, I would ask everyone and nobody would tell me anything... until that site told me about medical marijuana in canada... and now I think I should move doen the block from the compasion club in canada... but now your new prim minister is being a poopy head :( and wanting to have everything undone :(

and how did you get to mexico from canada with herbasos?


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Lol, he is a poopy head, I hope they see the light soon though :mrgreen:. As for the herb to mexico, the border is open going in, lol. We put it in the fingers of green surgical gloves, lol. Cut each finger, filled them with buds, tied them off. Then took a toothpaste bottle (the kind the lid can off), empty out some paste, add in finger ends full of weed, fill the rest up with toothpaste and voila, lol. They actually looked like bits in the toothpaste bottle. Hubby put that in his carry on bag. We took way too much though, and had to give it away cause we wouldn't risk brining it back it here. You can buy bongs, pipes and all sorts of smoking tools right in the resort gift shops there and in all sorts of shops in town, crazy, lol. :peace:

I go to canada every year, and was never able to buy pot there, I would ask everyone and nobody would tell me anything... until that site told me about medical marijuana in canada... and now I think I should move doen the block from the compasion club in canada... but now your new prim minister is being a poopy head :( and wanting to have everything undone :(

and how did you get to mexico from canada with herbasos?


Well-Known Member
^^ Sounds similar to me this vacation

I went to Cali and Vegas over the summer. I triple bagged some killer smoke and emptied out a body butter container you can get at Bath and Body Works. That stuff smells so potent there's no chance of smelling the bud. Took a big handful out, put in the bag, covered it up and threw it in my girlfriends toiletries bag.

The funny thing is; our bags got 'randomly' searched and they still didn't find it LOL