Interesting idea: keep res temps down with overclocking hardware?


Well-Known Member
So I'm not sure if I'm the first to apifftasize this but has anyone tried using a large radiator, intentionally made for cooling CPUs so it needs to be setup with airflow fans (about 3 180mm fans for the rad I have in mind), and hook it up to sub-pump that empties back into res.

I've been looking at grow box setups and I'm always ever so curious as to how they keep their reservoirs cool and comfy. I know some of the high end ones have res chillers, but in such tight quarters the heat must build up even if its just enough to make your res a few degrees warmer is life and death (or purgatory; being enslaved to giant frozen water bottles)

I contacted a manufacturer of one of these and while he sounded not all to optimistic about the approach, on Danny danko had a grow box review posted covering a bunch of boxes. While the post isn't to insightful as far as the explicit details I've been fawning for I did notice a low resolution photo of a grow box that once enhanced (mac zoomed) it was pretty pixilated but I think I taw I taw a small 120mm radiator with fan set up.

So this has been my day entrenched in stoner research... What do you's guys think? CPU radiator plausible or a frustratingly insightful use of time and money?
I think your time and money is better spent looking for a used chiller unless you got a really small rez. I got a 450w chiller for $250. It runs only a few times per 'day', with day being the light on period so not very often. Sometimes I still throw in a frozen bottle, for example if I think the chiller will turn on shortly after or before the light goes off.

Best way to keep it cool is a closed canopy, once I filled up the closet the chiller is overkill, in my case anyway.

Before I had a chiller I had an air pumps in my active intake 'light sluice' which didn't actually cool the rez down but did prevent it from heating up as fast. A double floor allowing the rez to be underneath the flower space, possible with some PC fans can also make a good difference if the temp is low enough outside those 'tight quarters'
Interesting, how do you use the chiller do you have a coil that goes in res or do you recirculate res water.

If you use a coil how do/can you hook it up to numerous reservoirs?
I recirculate the nutrient solution through the chiller using a regular aqua pump. The chiller itself is actually outside my closet (the energy used to chill exhausts heat from the chiller) so I actually have tubing coming from my rez through the closet wall to the chiller and back.
Like so:
(some wires are from ppm and ph meters)

I disconnected the blue part and attach a regular water hose to it to drain the rez (to my bathroom...).

The chiller is set at a (custom) threshold value of 20.5C, when it reaches that it chills to 18.5C. Also functions as a heater.

I should add that it makes a shit load of noise (loud fan).
I use an ice chest im growing in a 48 quart ice chest...yes I use frozen bottles but 1-2 1 liter bottles a day keeps it at 63-65 and the cooler cost 25$
Seems there's a new commercial version of what I built... Claims to cool up to 30gals about 6 or 7°F
But for $220 USD... might as well get a refrigerated cooler.

CSXC-1 Aquarium / Hydroponic Chiller
