Intermittent timer needed for aerocloner?


Well-Known Member
Just built my first aerocloner. It’s running fine but no plants in it yet. I know that most people seem to run an aerocloner with an intermittent timer set to one minute on: 4 minutes off. Or something similar. My understanding is that this is largely do to the fact that if you ran the pump full tilt it would heat the water too much and negatively affect the clones.
My basement is super cold. About 12C currently. I can do clones in a dome with a heat mat but it takes 14 days minimum due to the cold temps.

I’m curious: In such a cold environment, might I get away with running the pump 24/7 and hoping it generates enough heat to speed up the rooting process? Or is the on/off cycle necessary ?? If my room was warmer I’d definitely use an intermittent timer as it just seems to make sense to spray infrequently to me.

Has anyone run an aerocloner both 24/7 spraying AND with an intermittent timer at different times? Is there a vast difference in rooting time???
