International Oddities


Active Member
Hi, I'm new to the community but I just wanted to ask about this site claiming to sell free legal buds, and I can only assume somebody on this site has at least tried it before. My questions to those who have...

1. How can it be legal?
2. Is it going to get me where I want to be smoking something labeled as "Dro"?
3. Is it worth it?

I'm skeptical even after reading all the testimonials frankly because it seems to good to be true. Is it?


Well-Known Member
I should buy some of those "Legal Buds". You never know it might be worth something 20 years from now.
But then again, maybe not.


Legal buds are all crap pretty much but if you want a website that I've actually ordered from and tried I can recommend one for you. They have Zohai rx and in my opinion is the closest thing to "the real thing" (but much lower potency) lol.

But if you want to stop smoking cigs or weed and need an alt. the buds are good. None of them get you a high. All the descriptions are accurate but over exaggerated. They make you feel relaxed, they give a euphoric happy feeling and some have even made me giggle for a few minutes. It's good to mix them with other types and see what gives a decent effect. But honestly you won't feel anything much more than smoking hookah or a cig. But Zohai is... Thumbs up, def.

At least some of the buds taste really good when you smoke it and smell citusry. I give "legal herbs" in general a 2.5/ 5 stars.