Interrupting dark to make fem seeds?

Tolerance Break

Well-Known Member
I have a subpar understanding of how selfing works.

I know silver messes with the hormones in such a way the plant produces male flowers. Light in the dark cycle has a similar effect, and as far as I am aware, nobody uses it to make fem seeds.

Are light leak herms genetically less stable or am I missing something?

I have no interest in selfing, this has just been a curiosity of mine for a while.

Thank you for your time.-TB
Hermies that are natural are very likely to produce hermie seeds, while those treated with colloidal silver are much more likely to be stable, light leaks may cause hermies ( less often than most think) but it’s not reliable. Chances are that light leak hermies have a predetermined genetic proclivity to hermaphroditism.
STS and CS hinder/stop the production of ethylene which stops the plant from producing female flowers. As a result female pollen sacs are made, I imagine as a survival trait. Works quite well. Haven't tried rodelization before..
Unfortunately rodelization is how the first fems are made theres also a certain bit of the root you can mess with also that will make it reverse apparently too i heard soma does this however like rodelization the seeds wont be sexually stable sts is better theres a old thread on it somewhere talking about it on icmag u wanna make seeds use sts

Here i think i dug it up case u want a look

Unfortunately rodelization is how the first fems are made theres also a certain bit of the root you can mess with also that will make it reverse apparently too i heard soma does this however like rodelization the seeds wont be sexually stable sts is better theres a old thread on it somewhere talking about it on icmag u wanna make seeds use sts

Here i think i dug it up case u want a look

Fuck yeah, thank you. I'll give it a read