Into do they look??

Hey all,

Can ya'll give me an idea as to how they are looking? I am about 3 weeks into bloom, and bud sites are popping up all over the place. This is my first, so I don't really have any idea as to how my progress they look about right for their age, or should they be fuller?

I also do not know about trimming. I have not done any trimming on them at all, and my question is should I? I can see along the lower nodes that the sites are not producing as much (not as much light)...should I trim these to allow focus on those with more exposure to light? As well, do you trim the leaves that seem to be just "in the way" (blocking light to other sites). And if you do trim, how do you go about doing it....sterilized tools? razor? I don't know..

Thanks in advance for everyones help, any advice is greatly appreciated!



Well-Known Member
They look great!

Don't trim if you want good buds

just harvest the top, lower the light and finish the bottom

I just did :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
you will get alot of different answers on every one's trimming idea's
but for me I trim the lower stuff 2 weeks before flower and 2 weeks after flower starts
dont go over board just the little sucker buds at the bottom they will never grow to anything

and I never touch the fan leaves those are doing there job by collecting light

and Nice Grow