into the wild / guerilla style


Well-Known Member
Like the title of this thread says

I'm gonna do a lot of outdoor this year.bongsmilie
I'm gonna look me a nice quiet spot by some river direct between the bushes where it's medium wet and sunny all day longbongsmilie
I'm gonna veg me some feminized plants indoor first for a couple of months (maybe some more)
then i'm gonna take me some nice little cutlings from the mother plants & after another month or so i'm gonna plant the :leaf::weed::leaf: outside into the wild where they hopefully grow into a nice big guerrilla style gardenbongsmilie
anybody who knows me, just knows :
when i see something i like, then for sure i'm gonna get me some;-)
just give me some time to think about the situation and lets GO for it.

for now i have about 2k accidentally feminized DuchPassion Blueberry marijuana seeds. i'm gonna make me also some autoflower seeds. which i already grow insidebongsmilie
also i'm gonna order me some new ones from some seedbanks which i don't know yet:confused:

so if anybody has any good experience in this type of growing with good results. this is the place for youbongsmilie
and if anybody who has done this before knows of any good outdoor strains that has good outdoor potentials PLEASE LET ME KNOW 2 so we can all share our thoughts herebongsmilie


:peace: :bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint: & +rep for all.

& shame on me i already made a mistake in the title
who cares? as long as this thread gives you some nice pics of some nice plants right?:dunce:


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Better get on the ball, If your in the northern hemisphere, season starts in about a month or so. You should have those clones in the ground no later than 3 months. So start vegging those mommas, now!!!!

The location sounds like heaven, next to a river, sunny all day long. Check out the soil PH, see if its good. You could just till the soil, plant clones directly into it and get a lot of low yeilding plants, or you could dig 5 gal holes, fill them with bags, and grow monsters. Iether way is fine, but if you have a lot of clones, I would go with the tilling idea, I like the idea of rows of pot rather than corn.
your crazy!!! +rep for ballziness!! where o where will you find the time my dear?? managing between 1000 indoor lowryders and i dont know how many outdoors thats sick!!! and im worried about the 5 ive got!! lol keep it up hefta!!!!
sounds great looking forward to any info ,i live next to a river and have a lake within 20 min drive im thinking about afghan strains bug and disease resistant...rob
For seed selection, 2 things. How the strain does in your particular area, and what yield do you want. I'm thinking 6 six-pounders instead of 36 one pounders. For a can't go wrong strain is the Afghan. Just for a side line base. The Land race strains can withstand more abuse, in my opinion. Why dig a hole, then put a bag in it? Doesn't that limit the plants engine/root system? The wild Hogs needs a pick-ax to dig around here.. I'm just going to fill in low spots. Good luck, I personally believe 8 lb'ers isn't out of the question with the right soil & strain.
1 more month and time to start preping your areas if you have more than 1 lot of work to do before they will be ready.
Herse what you do,till the soil,and try to make it as loose as cannot be compacted,hard,etc..then optionally,fill each hole with a generous amount of perlite to retain moisture,blood meal for nitrogen,bone meal for phosphorous,all types of COMPOSTED manure(horse,cow,chicken,etc) can fill each hole with as much organic shit you want,including worm castings,coffe grounds,etc etc..just watch out for deer and small mammals,as theyll try to dig up the dirt in order to get the "ritting" animals inside....with this extremly fertile soil,you wont have to do much to care for them,thell grow on their own!!! make sure the ground gets moisture,and all the organic addtives will feed the plants till harvest!@!! using this method,you can easily get 1-2 pounds per plant!!! the next thing of course is chossing the right strain....depending where you are,you can opt to go with a nice early sativa,or a skunk hybrid....dont go with a dominant indica(they dont grow as fast,or tall,than tropical sativas) unless yopu really need to harvest earl;y...also,have ATLEAST 1 other small garden,just in case your main garden gets robbed!!!! sorry,but it happens!!
Better get on the ball, If your in the northern hemisphere, season starts in about a month or so. You should have those clones in the ground no later than 3 months. So start vegging those mommas, now!!!!

The location sounds like heaven, next to a river, sunny all day long. Check out the soil PH, see if its good. You could just till the soil, plant clones directly into it and get a lot of low yeilding plants, or you could dig 5 gal holes, fill them with bags, and grow monsters. Iether way is fine, but if you have a lot of clones, I would go with the tilling idea, I like the idea of rows of pot rather than corn.
yeah man the location is heaven, i go there on the summer and enjoy the wild for dayz & there's no one near this place. only some wild animals & it's totally deserted. haha
thanks for the post & stay tudend for more there will be first pix in about a month or so.

your crazy!!! +rep for ballziness!! where o where will you find the time my dear?? managing between 1000 indoor lowryders and i dont know how many outdoors thats sick!!! and im worried about the 5 ive got!! lol keep it up hefta!!!!
there's :weed: running through my veins man

shit need to spread some around lol!! in the future my dear in the future!!
me too, haha
bud i'll get you one +rep as soon i can spread some.

sounds great looking forward to any info ,i live next to a river and have a lake within 20 min drive im thinking about afghan strains bug and disease resistant...rob
thanks for the post, any suggestions are appreciated.

For seed selection, 2 things. How the strain does in your particular area, and what yield do you want. I'm thinking 6 six-pounders instead of 36 one pounders. For a can't go wrong strain is the Afghan. Just for a side line base. The Land race strains can withstand more abuse, in my opinion. Why dig a hole, then put a bag in it? Doesn't that limit the plants engine/root system? The wild Hogs needs a pick-ax to dig around here.. I'm just going to fill in low spots. Good luck, I personally believe 8 lb'ers isn't out of the question with the right soil & strain.
hefta likes to smoke afghan &
thanks for the post.

1 more month and time to start preping your areas if you have more than 1 lot of work to do before they will be ready.
thanks for stopping by, +rep as soon i can give you one &
yeah i'm already doing something bud i just forgot to take my cam with me. and i'm not gonna post pix before i get realy started.

Herse what you do,till the soil,and try to make it as loose as cannot be compacted,hard,etc..then optionally,fill each hole with a generous amount of perlite to retain moisture,blood meal for nitrogen,bone meal for phosphorous,all types of COMPOSTED manure(horse,cow,chicken,etc) can fill each hole with as much organic shit you want,including worm castings,coffe grounds,etc etc..just watch out for deer and small mammals,as theyll try to dig up the dirt in order to get the "ritting" animals inside....with this extremly fertile soil,you wont have to do much to care for them,thell grow on their own!!! make sure the ground gets moisture,and all the organic addtives will feed the plants till harvest!@!! using this method,you can easily get 1-2 pounds per plant!!! the next thing of course is chossing the right strain....depending where you are,you can opt to go with a nice early sativa,or a skunk hybrid....dont go with a dominant indica(they dont grow as fast,or tall,than tropical sativas) unless yopu really need to harvest earl;y...also,have ATLEAST 1 other small garden,just in case your main garden gets robbed!!!! sorry,but it happens!!
-wow- thanks for your post & +rep as soon i'm free.
i can wait, so there's no need for me to go with a early flowering strain. from a first guess now afer reading these posts i'll be going with a sativa strain. bud i'm sure i'll try some different strains just to see how they'll react in such kinda enviroment each of the strains individually.
the place has plenty of moisture in the ground because theres a swamp around the river.
i have found lots of cool spots around there.

any suggestions on how i can protect my :weed: from wild animals there are appreciated.
Looking good, Im planning a similar operation. I'm thinking ill dig holes and fill with some decent soil then start with female clones about a foot tall and then put them in the ground and let them live.
ypu can aither put a cage around them,if not,use fishing lines..go around the plants,1 foot of the ground,thenm every other foot...just watch out tripping it over!!also you can use ur pisss,or buy some predator urine from the game store....rember to add the perlite to the works wonder for geurilla growing
ypu can aither put a cage around them,if not,use fishing lines..go around the plants,1 foot of the ground,thenm every other foot...just watch out tripping it over!!also you can use ur pisss,or buy some predator urine from the game store....rember to add the perlite to the works wonder for geurilla growing

Except if you live in a place with helicopters lookin.Perlite sticks out "like a dogs balls" as a friend of mine would say.