Intro/Broken Stem


Active Member
F/F I would like to introduce myself, everybody can call me 808 or Hawaii if you prefer. Also I would like to thank everyone that posts on this forum, all of your knowledge and experience made my first grow not so stressful. Onto business. My first plant was growing in an 8 in dia pot that grew for about 2.5 weeks. That thing grew so fast, it grew to about 6 or 7 in tall and about 9 or 10 in across. Saturday night I decided it was time to start flowering it. Sunday morning I woke up, got the plant out of my closet and got it set up for my lamp (75w cfl). I stepped out of my room for only about 5 min. and when I came back it was a murder scene. The lamp had fallen over into the pot, and broke the stem at the baby leaves. I tried to salvage the top half by putting it in a cup and see if it would root. By the end of the afternoon, it was all dried up. Later in the evening I decided to kill off the rest of the main stem and start over:cry:. As you would have guessed, I was heartbroken. The only plus side is, it was a learning experience that I would never forget. Make damn sure the lamp is secure.


Man..... that really sucks. next time you try to salvage it, you will need to suppliment it with lots of moisture on the leaves, or it will dry up and die.. rooting hormone would have helped.


Active Member
I had something similar happen (the stand that the plants was on fell).
Instead I decided to minimize my loss by immediately cloning the crap out of it. Used rooting hormone and domes. Worked fast and careful; ultimately I would say 80% of plant survived.