Intro to raw salts


New Member
After many years of growing cannabis and experimenting with many nutes (GH, Advanced, Canna, house & garden) I have found home base with jacks hydro 5-12-26 and 15.5-0-0. I got into these nutes about a 1 1/2 years ago as a stepping stone to mix my own raw salts. In a recent grow I tried going all raw salts using hydro buddy as my calculator I failed miserably and am back to jacks with great success. I am opening this thread to any and everyone who is interested or is mixing salts with or without jacks.

My current recipe for my grows are as fallows
jacks pro 5-12-26 1.8 grams per gallon
jacks calnite 15.5-0/0 1.2 grams per gallon
MKP in flower at .7 grams per gallon.

this mix has yielded terrific taste smell and smoke drop the cal nite completely 1 week prior to harvest continue pro until 4 day flush with water only.

Okay guys I want to hear what works for u.


Well-Known Member
idk why there are no responses but i greatly appreciate this thread :)

i am diving headfirst into jacks pro/calcium nitrate duo for my drain tables and am in need of some basic grower info.

do you run these numbers from rooted clone to harvest? you know the ppm it comes out to with and without the added MKP in flower dosing? what product is MKP



Well-Known Member
What was your dry salt recipe?

Good to hear you're having success with jacks hydro, calnit, and MKP.

After many years of growing cannabis and experimenting with many nutes (GH, Advanced, Canna, house & garden) I have found home base with jacks hydro 5-12-26 and 15.5-0-0. I got into these nutes about a 1 1/2 years ago as a stepping stone to mix my own raw salts. In a recent grow I tried going all raw salts using hydro buddy as my calculator I failed miserably and am back to jacks with great success. I am opening this thread to any and everyone who is interested or is mixing salts with or without jacks.

My current recipe for my grows are as fallows
jacks pro 5-12-26 1.8 grams per gallon
jacks calnite 15.5-0/0 1.2 grams per gallon
MKP in flower at .7 grams per gallon.

this mix has yielded terrific taste smell and smoke drop the cal nite completely 1 week prior to harvest continue pro until 4 day flush with water only.

Okay guys I want to hear what works for u.


Well-Known Member
idk why there are no responses but i greatly appreciate this thread :)

i am diving headfirst into jacks pro/calcium nitrate duo for my drain tables and am in need of some basic grower info.

do you run these numbers from rooted clone to harvest? you know the ppm it comes out to with and without the added MKP in flower dosing? what product is MKP

im thinking about pre mix from venders. but never have in over 20 years outdoors. im now doing indoors with air injection soil. fighting a few things like a ghost ph issue. cant figure out wtf happened it went to 3.8 ph on me in 10 plants. i think it was 1 of the soil mixes i was using and cut it out. now no issues. lost some ground but i use organic soil(worm castings ect) with coco water/aloe vera/molasses/epson salt/egg shells and a few other things. this first run will be good but using untested soil mixes cost me allot. the low ph took and dropped my cal/mag/p/k to nothing and the leaves told me so. i now have ph at 6.2 a little high but slowly taking it back to 6. this is just finding a balance. i do beleave i got it balanced. if i run low on N which i doubt i will since i also use organic bloom 5-52-5 which will give me enough n and k. im lowering light time 2 hrs each week till i hit 12/12 then its time to double my mix amounts and run and watch the leaves. then adjust. i dont believe you have to buy a pre made fert package unless you have never grown and really dont know what a plant needs. and finding a true organic is not gonna happen. to be organic by law %15 organic is all that is needed. F that. i will start a worm farm and start tea's going. friend is bringing me fresh cow shit/chicken shit. so i can start teas for for summer runs. i have allot to learn with led's lights indoors but ferts and plant nutes its the same. my goal is to make a 100% organic solution and market it for growing. will take me a couple years. example you need cal+mag take egg shells grind them into powder add 1/4 tsp to 50 oz water and water your plants. if you need more mag add 1/8 tsp of epson salt. now salts leave a build up so you need to water heavy when you water with lots of run off. to clear out old salts. anyway cya around.