Introducing Myself


Well-Known Member
Hello. I am new here. I am such a newb, it isn't even funny, I feel like a dork.

I am getting ready to start my very first plant here in a bit. I just ordered my seeds from Nirvana.The strain I ordered is...

Northern Lights is crossed with our Haze to produce a heavier set plant. NL/Hz still reaches tall heights yet dense Northern Lights style form on the long stems. The inner bud leaves are a bright lime green. The smoke has that sweet-sour taste and produces a stony yet up high. This plant needs careful trimming indoor and patience, but the reward is worth the wait!

It wasn't until the next day did I notice this is one of the more difficult plants to grow, so now I am nervous. There was just so many options, I guess I became overwhelmed and just picked one.

I am not your typical toker, well, maybe I am. I am the soccer mom you see carting her kids to football, soccer, wrestling, and cub scouts. The one with the baby on one hip and a pee wee football helmet in the other. I sit onthe PTA and drive a minivan. I am the one you see playing ryhming games up and down the aisles of your local grocery store with her 7 year old.

I am a military wife. I am a stay at homemom and I keep the house clean and can cook like nobodys business. I live in a townhouse in a small community.

I have decided to grow my own to make a few extra dollars to pay for dental insurance and christmas gifts.

I have a ton of questions and could really use a couple friends here that wont mind whoring out thier minds for my benefit.

I look forward to getting to know you all.



Well-Known Member
welcome to riu and the weeds tv show recovery group. are you just another soccer mom or are you secretely trying to be nancy botwin??

anyway, the drill here is to read growfaq and any interesting stickie at the top of the forums, then ask specific questions in your own posts. that way you can get the most benefit from the group. and of course we don;t have to answer the same general questions repeatedly.


Well-Known Member
I was thinking more....Stacy LaPlant...*grins*

I really am a soccer mom. I have two kids. a 7yr old and an 8 month old


Well-Known Member
same thing des said then just post any ? you got
ill see it im everywhere:bigjoint:

i wouln't say its hard just b easy on it and itll perform;)


Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU! Military mom huh? That's cool. I was a military man myself. Follow desertrat's advice and you'll be fine.



Well-Known Member
Welcome, and you are right, you may be more of a typical stoner than anyone realizes. 100 million of 300 million have tried it, must be a few soccer moms in there, hope you have lipstick so you don't get mistaken for a pitbull. Never was a 'soccer dad', my boys swam and played water polo, that season is only from August until June. The oldest one is now a Major (Air Force) and six of his cousins have been or still are in the Military, so I have some idea of what your life is like. If you picked one of the harder strains to grow, don't sweat it, its still a weed. VV


Well-Known Member
welcome, I'm kinda new here as well trying to pretty much do the same thing although i went with the Ice Plant, I started a journal for my first grow and am going to try and keep it up to date if you'd like to check it out or maybe start your own we could be newbs together


Well-Known Member
Ill be a newb with you. Thanks so much for your support! I plan on taking pictures every step of the way. I feel as if my head is ready to explode from all the information I have sucked in from reading 101 questions up there.

Somethings I am having conflicting issues with is the lights. I have a very nagging feeling that I am way underpowered in the light department. I bought two 24inch 20watt Ecolux florecent bulbs set up in a balast. In the lighting question up top, it says so many different things, I am overwhelmed.

Should I can the long bulbs and buy the compact ones?

How do you know how many lumens per square inch?

If I want to grow 5 plants, how much light should I need?

Iam going to add pictures that show what it is exactly I have so you can all make fun of me.


Well-Known Member
Well are you gonna do flouros all the way or switch to HID lighting after seedling stage/flower.

IDK the sq in but its about 75w per sq. ft


Well-Known Member
Ummm, I was gonna stick with flouros all the way, so you suppose this is ok?
Should I switch to HID>..what does HID stand for? Yes. I'm dumb. Do you happen to have a picture or link of it?



Well-Known Member
Ill be a newb with you. Thanks so much for your support! I plan on taking pictures every step of the way. I feel as if my head is ready to explode from all the information I have sucked in from reading 101 questions up there.

Somethings I am having conflicting issues with is the lights. I have a very nagging feeling that I am way underpowered in the light department. I bought two 24inch 20watt Ecolux florecent bulbs set up in a balast. In the lighting question up top, it says so many different things, I am overwhelmed.

Should I can the long bulbs and buy the compact ones?

How do you know how many lumens per square inch?

If I want to grow 5 plants, how much light should I need?

Iam going to add pictures that show what it is exactly I have so you can all make fun of me.
What you have is fine for seedlings until about 4 weeks so you have time to check out lots of ideas, read some journals that sound like they have a space similar to yours and see what they used etc. I always recommend new growers check out SeeMoreBuds Great book Marijuana Buds For Less, I bought mine at Barnes and Nobles, $16.95+tax. In this book the author grows 8 oz of dried bud from 3 female plants for less than $100.00. Everything you need to grow, clone, etc is in this book, a list of the materials used, explanation of ph etc. He used Miracle grow soil and did not add any nutes, just watered them. Garden Knowm has said he did not use the reflectors at all and we just had a thread posted of an inexpensive reflector that looks like it would work better than the ones he showed in the book. VV:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Ummm, I was gonna stick with flouros all the way, so you suppose this is ok?
Should I switch to HID>..what does HID stand for? Yes. I'm dumb. Do you happen to have a picture or link of it?

HID stands for High intensity discharge. Like HPS/MH mercuryvapor(dont know if that one is HID tho)

you will need more than just that florou tho after a lil while like VV said.
if you want to do flouros the whole way you need alot more.

SeeMorebuds is a great book I hear too


Well-Known Member
good read i bet..
i never have read it myself but 8oz off 3 plants aint a bad at all.

you watch weeds Sunny?


Well-Known Member
Nancy's pretty cute! You picked a good pic for your self. Are you a guy or gal? Anyways, welcome to the party! Post pics; they always help because people have a funny way of explaining things in their own language. Lol!


Active Member
i love the moms who smoke
my friends mom smokes al the time
and we found her stash and steal from her
awful i know
but i just spent like 40 dollars for some exotic shit, some dank, and i stole from his mom.
so i have like 2gs.
and i wanan smoke it!