Introducing myself

Richard Owl Mirror

Active Member
Hello everyone, I have joined this forum in an effort to learn all I can about growing marijuana now that my state has voted to allow chronically ill patients to grow for their personal use.
I am very low-income so I will need to learn how best to grow on a limited budget. I do have a variety of seed strains to begin with. Now I just need to acquire the equipment to grow them.

I've been on other sites where I was told I need to invest in expensive light systems if I expect to grow anything near medical-grade marijuana.
Unfortunately, I can't afford that so I am hopeful the folks on this site can steer me in the right direction to grow as best quality as I can on my budget.
Any assistance you might offer will be greatly appreciated.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Welcome to riu.I guess compact florescent would be the cheapest...can you tell us what kind of budget we're looking at for supplies?
Hello everyone, I have joined this forum in an effort to learn all I can about growing marijuana now that my state has voted to allow chronically ill patients to grow for their personal use.
I am very low-income so I will need to learn how best to grow on a limited budget. I do have a variety of seed strains to begin with. Now I just need to acquire the equipment to grow them.

I've been on other sites where I was told I need to invest in expensive light systems if I expect to grow anything near medical-grade marijuana.
Unfortunately, I can't afford that so I am hopeful the folks on this site can steer me in the right direction to grow as best quality as I can on my budget.
Any assistance you might offer will be greatly appreciated.

Richard Owl Mirror

Active Member
Welcome to riu.I guess compact florescent would be the cheapest...can you tell us what kind of budget we're looking at for supplies?
Hello Stoney, HM, budget? Whatever I'm able to squeeze out of my SSDI check each month. It's kinda hard to save money as it's usually all spent by the middle of the month.
Somebody told me I should visit the local Dept of Transportation and see if they have any old street lights they would give me.
I did just buy a 200watt CFL bulb for $10 and bought a used lamp from the local salvation army. I had one of those plastic storage tubs so, I cut a hole in the top and secured the bulb through the hole into the lamp.
I know I can't grow anything like that but thought I could at least start some seeds and hopefully get some better lights before they get to big.

Richard Owl Mirror

Active Member
I can see we have alot of work to do bro,welcome to RIU:hug::weed:
LOL ! yeah I'm a pretty sad case, I know ;>}

Let me ask your opinion on these that I found.
I would have to save up and buy them individually but, eventually if they would work maybe they would be a low cost alternative?

400-watt PSMH Construction Light Lamp Output: 38000 lumens
Lamp Color Rendition: 75 CRI
Everyday Low Price $84.90
Vapor Tight Fixture, Ceiling Mount 150-watt HPS lamp 120/277-volt HX ballast (NPF). Lamp included.
Lamp Output: 15000 lumens, Lamp Color Rendition: 22 CRI
Everyday Low Price $25.00


Well-Known Member
I've grown some really good herb with alot less.Its a good start.Have you been reading the FAQ yet??Alot of info in there for new growers.


Well-Known Member
Starting out you will need some fluoro's so invest in a setup a good one you can reuse.Then in a month or so when you need the hps or mh for flowering you can have the $$$ saved up for a 400w setup.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Hmmm.. I don't know about the dept.Of trans...would they be suspicious?This is what i have, it's complete for 164...with shipping it's about 190...probably a bit steep for you.I always show the link for it, though,because it is easy to set up and comes with both bulbs.No wiring.
Here's a used light on ebay, but it's 20 dollars shipping.|65%3A15|39%3A1|240%3A1309
Otherwise, you're going to have to resign yourself to cfls.They can get expensive, because you need so many to meet the lighting requirements of your plants.
Hello Stoney, HM, budget? Whatever I'm able to squeeze out of my SSDI check each month. It's kinda hard to save money as it's usually all spent by the middle of the month.
Somebody told me I should visit the local Dept of Transportation and see if they have any old street lights they would give me.
I did just buy a 200watt CFL bulb for $10 and bought a used lamp from the local salvation army. I had one of those plastic storage tubs so, I cut a hole in the top and secured the bulb through the hole into the lamp.
I know I can't grow anything like that but thought I could at least start some seeds and hopefully get some better lights before they get to big.


Active Member
Hello everyone, I have joined this forum in an effort to learn all I can about growing marijuana now that my state has voted to allow chronically ill patients to grow for their personal use.
I am very low-income so I will need to learn how best to grow on a limited budget. I do have a variety of seed strains to begin with. Now I just need to acquire the equipment to grow them.

I've been on other sites where I was told I need to invest in expensive light systems if I expect to grow anything near medical-grade marijuana.
Unfortunately, I can't afford that so I am hopeful the folks on this site can steer me in the right direction to grow as best quality as I can on my budget.
Any assistance you might offer will be greatly appreciated.
i found a 68 watt 300= watt output cfl its a monster. it was at HD under $20.