Ionic Nutrients How much should I use


I was wondering if anyone has use Ionic Nutrients and how much they use I was having problems with the leaf tips burning on the buds and the fan leafs where browning on the outside but still green in the middle by the stem I thought it might be because it was under nutrient but was not sure. I was someone could tell me how much the ppm should be for Ionic. It was at 900 ppm I have been told that it should be around 1500 for veg and toping of around 2000 the last few weeks of flower. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Here are some of the pictures of what the leafs look like one is the tip burn and two are the fan leafs.



Well-Known Member
I use IONIC nutes specific to coco.

On the bottle it says to use it at 7ml per litre but i find this is a little too much

I start out with around 2ml per litre and gradually lift it up until im hitting around 5-6ml per litre.

I use EC not PPM and the EC i run it at is what it states on the bottle 1.5EC or 15CF

Hope this has helped.



Well-Known Member
You are useing far too much real bad nute burn,Always go with the containers recomended dose................tyke..............................


Thoes leaf where with the recomended dose and ther is ionic for hydro syetems and the botle said 5ml per liter. are you sure that cant be because there could be some thing els wrong i have not seen any bugs on the girl.


My PH is at 6.1. The EC was at 1.8 so I will drop it to 1.6 I’m also adding diamond nectar A humic acid but same EC. My room temperature is 75 to 80 at max. I’m using fresh hydroton that I washed with tap water. Umm I cant think of anything ells to tell you about. I could lower the PH more but I’m hoping dropping the nut will help. If you can think of anything ells that would be great


So it looks like fixing the ph and dropping the ec helped I was wondering if you use the boost also from what the bottle said I should and a little every week and the add twice as much the last three weeks and if I foo this the ec will rise slowly will it be ok


Well-Known Member
Brother, Advanced Nuts makes something called Revive. Its very cheap for a litter and will fix your nut burn/nut lock or any problem mostly. I dont have much expo w/hydro but its made for Hydro and soil. It saved a crop I had stressed from mites, after I fogged the mites, Revive brought my plants back to life in less then a week.


So everything has improved it looks great again I'm running at 1.2 ec for veg and slowly bringing it up to 1.6-1.7 for the last two weeks of flower and ph is at 5.7 there is a slight tip burn on the last weeks but not bad thanks for the help


Active Member
you shouldnt really be adding anything to ur nutes if u use ionic,( imho.)they have everything you need to deliver a great crop as long as were using good genetics. just my thoughts. i have been using ionics for years and it always brings out the great taste of what is coming from the garden. good luck to you.