Well-Known Member
Hi all,
As per title, I'm thinking of getting an IR reptile heat lamp (or simmilar) to suppliment a full spectrum LED, mainly to provide a bit of heat, but i've also read LEDs can lack IR colour too.
Anyone have any experience? I was thinking maybe somehting like this to suppliment a 300w maxibright LED rig: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Reptile-Poultry-Infrared-Lamp-Brooding/dp/B01GID14HK/ref=sr_1_4?c=ts&keywords=Infrared+Bulbs&qid=1672684672&refinements=p_n_feature_browse-bin:33995449031&rnid=33995423031&s=lighting&sr=1-4&ts_id=3764825031&th=1
Edit: My LED has some 'far red' diodes' which I guess is a good thing, but in winter it doesnt put out enough heat:
As per title, I'm thinking of getting an IR reptile heat lamp (or simmilar) to suppliment a full spectrum LED, mainly to provide a bit of heat, but i've also read LEDs can lack IR colour too.
Anyone have any experience? I was thinking maybe somehting like this to suppliment a 300w maxibright LED rig: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Reptile-Poultry-Infrared-Lamp-Brooding/dp/B01GID14HK/ref=sr_1_4?c=ts&keywords=Infrared+Bulbs&qid=1672684672&refinements=p_n_feature_browse-bin:33995449031&rnid=33995423031&s=lighting&sr=1-4&ts_id=3764825031&th=1
Edit: My LED has some 'far red' diodes' which I guess is a good thing, but in winter it doesnt put out enough heat:
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