Irish History


The Gardener
I watched every 1 of these videos last night ..

It shows how the irish helped to and win the American war and how the Irish Americans came home to help unite Ireland in 1916 ..
In these clips it shows Oliver Cromwell and his rouge Army slatterd 50% of the irish people and sold the rest as slaves and stole there land gang raped the women, The people that where left were not alowed to buy there own land back nor could they grow there own food and what was left eather starved to death or went to the U.s ,austrila and Canada Now there is 150 millon Irish in the USA alone these rouge armys have been promoted to this day If you think the u,s goverment is FUCKED UP check this even in 1997 the gorverment /cops/rouge gangs killing still get covered up. ..........

Its a must watch video it Is some what sad in most of it, The got treated worse that the black man and the red indians and to this day its Never been classed the same way or even bad and its only stoped in the last 15 years ...

Please Take the time and WATCH this its not boring history,
Roll 1 up and enjoy a YouTube - Irish History part 4


Well-Known Member
the link didnt work for me but im somewhat familar with the subject. its kinda sad though that there are large amounts of irish americans that dont even know about this.


New Member
It was pretty common at one time in this country to see a Help Wanted sign in the window of a business that included the proviso: "No Irish Need Apply."



The Gardener
Sorry about the link not working here is the right one YouTube - Irish History Part 7
Before part 7 It was a bit to early Irish myths and legends, let this clip run a bit this part is just the lay out its after this some things are worse than what hilter did to the jews ,


Well-Known Member
the link didnt work for me but im somewhat familar with the subject. its kinda sad though that there are large amounts of irish americans that dont even know about this.
That's because they're Americans. Gramps might of had it tough but now we have green beer.


New Member
I am third generation irish-american. I grew up on storied my grnadma told me of her people. The irsh got shit on, but who hasn't. It was just their time.


The Gardener
I am third generation irish-american. I grew up on storied my grnadma told me of her people. The irsh got shit on, but who hasn't. It was just their time.

when your grandma left to the states it continued , 800 years it has been going on for and the hole truth has only been coming out in the last 10 years .
In the modern days 1990,s the police supplied guns to rasis gangs and cleared there path ways to enter homes and kill , Or wipe out a hole bar

Thats the point its all been covered up and most people do not know and in some places it was just acceped .

Have a watch at the later parts 10 - you will see it was not just a few years it has continued right up untill only 10 years ago ...... it is really a good watch after it gets past part 7


New Member
I'm part Irish, I just haven't figured out which part. The Irish gangs in New York and other cities were pretty ruthless, I don't think the Germans or the Italions have an upper hand on ruthlessness. It wasn't uncommon to find one of your gang members head in a bag on your front porch, placed there by a rival gang. I'll keep my head, thank you. I can't figure out why the Irish didn't just beat the hell out of the English, I guess superior weaponry was the answer. Life was tough in Ireland in the pre-modern times.


The Gardener
I'm part Irish, I just haven't figured out which part. The Irish gangs in New York and other cities were pretty ruthless, I don't think the Germans or the Italions have an upper hand on ruthlessness. It wasn't uncommon to find one of your gang members head in a bag on your front porch, placed there by a rival gang. I'll keep my head, thank you. I can't figure out why the Irish didn't just beat the hell out of the English, I guess superior weaponry was the answer. Life was tough in Ireland in the pre-modern times.

They have on a few times through out history MM , A decade or so after the 1st time in the early 1600,s Oliver Cromwell stormed Drogheda and statterd every one, He says no more than 30 people surived with there lifes ,10,000 women and children were hiding in a chaple, He baracaded them in and torched it , The people were already starving and homless and could not buy or use any land they could not defend them selfs

It was in a act of god he says and he was classed and still is to this day as some sort of hero .....

Micheal Collins and his men defeted them again in 1916 and 3/4 of Ireland was United again ,
But this only ment the north would just carry on suffering the same ,
In the 1920 the black and tans and other rouge police RUC UDR and gangs UVF , Would kick in doors in the early hours and Murder all males somtimes women ,
Nixon and Carson i think the names of the leaders behind this Secretive rouge police here they are The McMahon Murders Belfast

It stoped after the world war 2 untill 1960,s
Ian paisley sparked up fears in the british communitys and started off more or less a civil war in 1969 the streets were no go areas right through the 70,s (The 70,s seen as much cruel Acts to the Irish as the 1600,s did)
Most of the police had links to splinter murder gangs and supplied them with guns and destroyed evidence ect . to this day there is still court cases of 100s of people and state murder
There was a Group called the skankill butchers , The name says it all , they drove the streets and lifted innocent people and brought them to there hide outs and sliced every bit of them with razor blades , The book gets into the full details of what they would do , here it is The Shankill Butchers, Belfast's notorious hoodlum terrorists - The Crime Library - The Crime library

Then the 1980,s they fought back in a fearless way and other rivals would supply guns to the irish
When the soldiers shot and killed the civil rights protesters 70s ,And the hunger strikers died in 81, Aftrer that i think every 1 just wanted to fight back , live bloody sunday YouTube - Derry: 30th January 1972 the hunger strikers YouTube - For Bobby Sands any trouble was brought on by them after these 2 acts and thats exectly what happend myhem
Up untill The last 20 years Irish people in the north could not vote or could they get a decent job or a decent education and where made to live in slumes .
Out spoken irish voices would get cencered gerry adams voice was edited the hole way through the 80,s and he was running for mp lol there was never any thing about the south or irish allowed on T.V or any media coverage encluding gealic games , Unless it was protraying them as bad

Mordern day Irish in the north had the same struggle as the accient irish, It was just un-heard of from a 1 sided state government


Well-Known Member
i am just bout full Irish. all i do all day is read about my history and all. sad that there are a lot of Irish that no nothing.

I have blogs on futher information on the Irish


The Gardener
Thats like saying all americans are like the brady bunch with fake smiles and hair combed in a side shade pretending to like every 1 like the truman show , Its just not true ,

There is more drunks in new york than the hole of ireland , </p> Im not saying they are not Irish tho. lol </p>


The Gardener
Imagin this happened to coloured people bringing there children to school in the U.S or any were in the world it would be world wide outrage YouTube - Holy Cross 2001 I was thinking of all the fuss over words and banning words look at this it was 2001 it did happen to blacks in the 50s and 60s i dont know if they were as vicious thou in 2001 till now no 1 hears about this sort of thing happening and it was allowed to happen because the police soliders judges and them scumbags in the videos live togeather .. the blacks had a picnic compaired to us haha


Well-Known Member
The famine was no lie alot of ireland was wiped out by it! Thats how alot of ye anmericans have irish blood in ye and the most of ye dont even kno it! i agree that us irish got treated bad i havnt watch ant of the videos but