
desert dude

Well-Known Member
Never make a pretty woman your dental assistant.

"After working as a dental assistant for ten years, Melissa Nelson was fired for being too "irresistible" and a "threat" to her employer's marriage."

Reality is an imperfect thing isn't it and we as a species still aren't politically correct in our reactions and emotions. The question is would you want someone with a high speed drill or worse laser, operating in your cranium with his thoughts on his Dental Assistant's whatever?

She was a distraction and he couldn't do a professional job. Sounds like he tried to but it was an untenable position and hopefully this guy was not the only dentist in town so she can get another job. Sad but reality often is.
I smell a lawsuit.

Actually the article says her lawsuit went as high as the Iowa Supreme Court.

And this wasn't simple sex discrimination. It was more complex.

I would not want the Gov't to tell me I cannot fire someone who is distracting me from fine and consequential work. Drilling teeth while nursing a bone? No thanks. cn
I can't imagine after 10 years of seeing the same woman for 10 years for being too attractive (which she is not btw) to be fired for that. I can control myself around beautiful women and so can alot of men. Maybe he's the one with the problem, they do make pills for that you know.
I can't imagine after 10 years of seeing the same woman for 10 years for being too attractive (which she is not btw) to be fired for that. I can control myself around beautiful women and so can alot of men. Maybe he's the one with the problem, they do make pills for that you know.

Pills to contain a filthy, filthy mind? Why have I not heard of these? I'm an ideal test candidate. cn
Yeah they're anti erection pills, mostly made for people who break/split their dicks open, but still, you know.
Yeah they're anti erection pills, mostly made for people who break/split their dicks open, but still, you know.

I guess I kinda sorta know.

But let me tell you ... getting older and experiencing less-reliable hydraulics, I find that the mind is still going along in top gear. A dirty mind is a terrible thing to waste. cn
Actually the article says her lawsuit went as high as the Iowa Supreme Court.

And this wasn't simple sex discrimination. It was more complex.

I would not want the Gov't to tell me I cannot fire someone who is distracting me from fine and consequential work. Drilling teeth while nursing a bone? No thanks. cn
I agree...I'd rather be drilling my bone into a nurses teeth.bongsmilie
this whole case is just another example of why dentists have the highest suicide rate in the world.

this man spent 10 years working up the courage to make just the right pickup attempt at his assistant, and the best he could do was "satisfy this raging erection you give me or you're fired".

call me anti-dentite, but there is a reason those sorry mother fuckers off themselves at suspiciously high rates.

i won't be surprised if the next mass shooting or massacre is brought to us thanks to a disgruntled dentist. probably not, those miserable fucks don't have it in them. fucking pussies. those sad pansies just quietly off themselves with silly gas. they even die like pussies, all laughing and whatnot in their own fancy dental chairs.

fucking dentists.