is 1½ feet to high for my plants?


Active Member
put the lights as close as u can witout burning the plant. a good thing to do is put your hand bsid the plant and just leave the light were it doesnt burn your hand


Well-Known Member
If the lighting you were useing would have been a hps light,then i would have said no, but saying that you always have to take into account the space from the floor to ceiling of the g room.If you have 8 ft of verticle space and you plants are around 1 ft tall when you flip them onto 12/12 off then the plant will normaly end up around 3/4 ft tall even more because the light you are useing is not ideal for growing so the plant will strech.I have 9 ft of height in my room so i always flip them at around 2 ft tall and by week 10 of flowering the plants are around 6/7 ft tall, but i use 2x600 hps lights in a 8ft by 8ft by 9 ft in height room so they tend not to strech has much but no matter what hps light you use they near always double if not tripple in size.When useing a low intence light like the one you are best to flower small around 6 ince to get the best results.All growers tend to start with small intence lights so you are doing nothing wrong get to gripswith knowing what the plant likes and then step up the game and introduce them to bigger lights.I still use a t5 it has always been part of my growing and will continue to be great for keeping a mother under and just enougth clones for your next project.....tyke