is 10-15-10 good?


Active Member
I was wondering If I can use a 10-15-10 plant food on my baby, i havent started using it yet because its still early in the veg state. Am I good to use it, though,


Well-Known Member
you can but your not going to be giving it what it really thing that will make the biggest difference in growing is using the right nutes....if you have a hydro shop near you. you need to hit it up...your gonna put like 5 months into this grow you wanna make sure the end product is worth the work and agravation bro....go out and get fox farms nutes. they make one called ff grow big for vegging the plants, it has a higher nitro count and its really good for growing foliage which is what you want, then they have one called tiger bloom that has the flowering cycles best nutes in it....also there is some stuff called superthrive. this stuff is the end all bro you have to have it if your growing...if your thinking of using miracle grow dont because all those shultz and miracle grow garbage grow everything but not really for anything fertalizers your not gonna get the best you can.....seriously hit a hydro shop. the difference for me was.
my first grows i was using miracle grow and i got like a half oz per plant maybe a full oz....when i switched to the fox farm and superthrive nutes. i started pulling 3 or 4 ozs off each will make that much of a difference...go hit the hydro or you will regret it....we put a lot of time money and effort into growing and you dont want to waste time...good luck. what are ya growing and under what lights?


Active Member
Damn, I didnt realize that soil can make that much of a difference in the yield. This is my first time growing so i'm fairly new to the game, but trust me I've been reading up on it alot.

I'm growing some random seeds that I've had in my collection so it's kind of a mystery. So far I have 4 plants goin, the oldest one is a week old. I'm using a 60w CFL light, but I have a 150w CFL light that I am going to use later on.

Thanks for all the help jordisgarden, I appreciate it. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
i grew bag seed. last grow. just 2 plants because my boy said he knew it was from some amazing shit. so i figured what the hell. id see if maybe there was a hidden gem in there. so i grew em out. thank god i have 2 rooms i do this in because one of his seeds hermied on me and ruined every plant in the room. they all had tons and tons of seeds. it was too late when i realized i was fucked. thats why i hate bag bummed because ive got millions of seedds now but they are useless as far as im concerned . i dont want to carry on the hermie genetics. thats why i will only buy seeds now....when i bought 65 femenized seeds last grow. i had 60 healthy females from it, 2 were males and 3 just didnt make it. the other 60 did awsome.


Well-Known Member
10-15-10 is certainly not the best choice of veg nute, for flowering it would be ok but not great. For veg you want to aim for a 2:1:1 ratio, which would look like 10-5-5 NPK, it doesn't have to be exact but at least in the ballpark. As for flowering, aim for a 1:2:2 ratio, which would look like 5-10-10 NPK. That's why a lot of growers (especially hydroponic growers) go with a 3-part hydroponic nutrient, as you can custom tailor the ratio you want for a specific growth phase.

Here are a couple of basic nutrient ratio rules:

More nitrogen than potassium promotes vigorous vegetative growth
More potassium than nitrogen promotes flower and bud production
Phosphorus is much less important in the vegetative stage than it is in flowering
As much as phosphorus is important during the flowering phase, don't overdo it. A 1:2 or 1:3 (at the most) NP ratio is more than enough phosphorus during flowering.


Active Member
10-15-10 is certainly not the best choice of veg nute, for flowering it would be ok but not great. For veg you want to aim for a 2:1:1 ratio, which would look like 10-5-5 NPK, it doesn't have to be exact but at least in the ballpark. As for flowering, aim for a 1:2:2 ratio, which would look like 5-10-10 NPK. That's why a lot of growers (especially hydroponic growers) go with a 3-part hydroponic nutrient, as you can custom tailor the ratio you want for a specific growth phase.

Here are a couple of basic nutrient ratio rules:

More nitrogen than potassium promotes vigorous vegetative growth
More potassium than nitrogen promotes flower and bud production
Phosphorus is much less important in the vegetative stage than it is in flowering
As much as phosphorus is important during the flowering phase, don't overdo it. A 1:2 or 1:3 (at the most) NP ratio is more than enough phosphorus during flowering.
Thanks a lot man, that was really helpful.


Well-Known Member
i know of a great way that you can mix up a mix and never have to anything but water it when the soil is dried out...
1-40 pound bag of pro-mix
2- 1 20 lb bag of wormvastings
3- 1 bag of perlite to loosen the soil.good drainage
4- 1 bag of blood meal
5- 1 bag of bone meal
6- 1 bottle of superthrive.
7- 1 bottle of carbs for flushing.
8- 1 bag of bat guano, mexican or jamaican
take it all and mix it together. only use 1/3rd of the bone meal and blood meal. 1/3 bag of bat guano also. mix it all together. once you have the mix mixxed up . all you need to do is water and itll get all the nutes it needs.
also you want to use the superthrive every or every other watering.
toward the end the nutes will basically be used up by the end. so then i get fox farm grow big and fox farm tiger bloom and i water with these at 1/3 strength. i use 1/3rd strength because the soil mix already has nutes. dont over do it.
this really works. i used it on 2 grows now and ive pulled 3 oz per plant...some less some a little more. depending on the strain or veg time.
if you use this mix dont transplannt into it untill the plants are 3 weeks old so you dont over nute em....good luck it really works awsome


Active Member
Right now I am using Bio-Bizz Bio-growth liquid plant food, and I was wondering if I should still use the other plant food, or would that be too many nutrients?:eyesmoke: