Been growing outdoor for years. I’m currently trying my hand at greenhouse/light deprivation for the first time. I’ve got plants out in the greenhouse now with supplemental lighting giving them a 16/8 schedule. I originally had some Gavidas that I had laying around hung in there but they would trip the breaker every so often. No bueno. So.. today I hung some contractor light strings with 3 60w LED Corn Lights approx 5 feet above the plants. They could be closer, I suppose. But they’re out of the way in this configuration. I’m not expecting these new lights to accommodate for much photosynthesis to occur, I simply hope to keep them in Veg and let the sun do the bulk of the work during the actual daytime. I’m sure this seems like amateur-hour to some but.. will this be enough light to keep them in Veg. It seems plenty bright but I honestly don’t know; I’m an outdoor guy.