Is a greenhouse considered indoors?...I need help.Should i pull this plant?

This is my first dirt greenhouse grow,i got seeds(attitude) and have about 7 differnt strains.They are all starting to bud,but two of the plants are real Sativa they are very tall and take up lots of sun light in the greenhouse,i have tied them down but would guess them to be over 15 feet and three feet wide..I know Sativa plants take a long time to bud and the buds are stringy and dont fill in really good..They sit next to a couple other plants that are really big and tall also but have better bud growth already,i cant get to the top of the plants any more because of there size..Sorry i am just rambling,my question is should i pull these two sativa?Or just ride it out and hope the smoke is good.I didnt take clones of these for next year because of the size...I know i should just puLL that bad boy,but i have put a lot of time into this plant and SATIVA smoke is kill...WHAT WOULD YOU DO?...I lost the name of the plants but they are blocking BLACKJACK...SENS STAR CRITICAL