Is ANYTHING not regulated?


Well-Known Member
I heard a very interesting question posed on a talk show today that really got me thinking. Can any of you name anything which is not regulated by the government in one form or another??? (This is for the Americans here, because I am not particularly familiar with most other governments regulations). They went on for hours and virtually no one could come up with ANYTHING that there is not some sort of government control (or at least attempted control) over. It was very "eye-opening" for most of the audience, because they had never really considered just how interwoven the government has become in virtually everything we do.

Just thought I'd post the question here to see if anyone had any ideas/thoughts on it.
outside groups taking money to make political adds from rich shadow backers so they can get around the campaign donation limits and attack the other side and lots of times try to make it look like they are normal people voicing concerns about things when its usually lies and actors hired for the purpose of confusing people. The supreme court saw to that.
Space isn't regulated outside certain conventions.

There are certain bandwidths and frequencies that nobody gives a fuck about.

I honestly can't think of very many more right off the top of my head.

The fact you're posting this on a huge website that's totally dedicated to the cultivation of an illegal plant should say something to you - even if it's regulated it doesn't have to mean anything.
Maybe it should be. Can anyone even concieve what this country would be like without any regulations??

Everything would be a hell of alot cheaper. A guy making $7.25 an hour would be living high on the hog, but I'm sure you would still complain.
Everything would be a hell of alot cheaper. A guy making $7.25 an hour would be living high on the hog, but I'm sure you would still complain.
Man, you are one crazy SOB. How in the hell did you come to that brilliant conclusion. If there were no regulations, do you actually think anyone would be paying 7.25 an hr.
They would be paying the least they could get away with. With unemployment at the high it is now, I'm pretty sure wages would plumet. BTW, why are you for the rich?
Man, you are one crazy SOB. How in the hell did you come to that brilliant conclusion. If there were no regulations, do you actually think anyone would be paying 7.25 an hr.
They would be paying the least they could get away with. With unemployment at the high it is now, I'm pretty sure wages would plumet. BTW, why are you for the rich?
Your comment would only make ANY SENSE AT ALL if you were FORCED to accept whatever wage they gave you and were forced to take the job. If the job only paid $.25 an hour and the living standard was the same as it is now, how many people do you think would take the job? Zero? Maybe? You think? Guess what would happen? The employer would be forced to increase his paid wage to entice a person to contract with him.

You ever negotiate a salary with a prospective employer before? Or did you just always take what they put on the table?
Everything would be a hell of alot cheaper. A guy making $7.25 an hour would be living high on the hog, but I'm sure you would still complain.
Life's ironies are so funny. The guy starting drama is named "Nodrama" Hahahaha!!! I couldn't make this stuff up!
Genetics aren't regulated. Breed how you want to breed.

Stupidity isn't regulated. Think how you want to think.

Comedy isn't regulated. Laugh how you want to laugh.

Centimeters aren't regulated. Metric how you want to metric.

Sentences aren't sentencualted. Sentence how you want to this is a stupid thread.