Is Biden fit for duty?

Does Joe Biden have the cognitive function to run the country for another four years?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I don't believe Joe Biden is struggling with some type of cognitive decline.

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All other politics aside, given his obviously advanced state of cognitive decline, is Biden fit for another term?
Best economy the US has had in 10 years. Finally some federal legislation that is bringing us in line with our Paris Aggrement pledges, that also take real steps towards energy independence. Lower cost of medications. Return of manufacturing to keep up with the next generation market place. Practical attempts at boarder security.
Based on these accomplishments and ambitions what about his job proformance would suggest he is unfit for office?
Best economy the US has had in 10 years. Finally some federal legislation that is bringing us in line with our Paris Aggrement pledges, that also take real steps towards energy independence. Lower cost of medications. Return of manufacturing to keep up with the next generation market place. Practical attempts at boarder security.
Based on these accomplishments and ambitions what about his job proformance would suggest he is unfit for office?
All other politics aside, given his obviously advanced state of cognitive decline, is Biden fit for another term?
A better question might be is the alternative fit for office or even qualified and Trump has been showing serious mental decline and he was a moron to begin with. He is also a sociopath and lifelong criminal grifter who is currently conning fear driven fools and bigots and treating them like the sheep they are with lies so transparent a kid would laugh at them and most do. Character counts and so does brains, and Joe has both and is demonstrating it with his words and actions, stutter and all. Joe fucks up words a bit, Trump blathers word salad that makes no sense. Joe is running for America and the Whitehouse Trump is running from the law and the big house, know the difference.
A better question might be is the alternative fit for office or even qualified and Trump has been showing serious mental decline and he was a moron to begin with. He is also a sociopath and lifelong criminal grifter who is currently conning fear driven fools and bigots and treating them like the sheep they are with lies so transparent a kid would laugh at them and most do. Character counts and so does brains, and Joe has both and is demonstrating it with his words and actions, stutter and all. Joe fucks up words a bit, Trump blathers word salad that makes no sense. Joe is running for America and the Whitehouse Trump is running from the law and the big house, know the difference.
How about the leading R senator apparent strokes?

‘Entirely Inappropriate’: Weissmann reacts to Biden Documents Special Counsel’s report

Andrew Weissmann, former top official at the Justice Department and Neal Katyal, former Acting U.S. Solicitor General join Alicia Menendez in for Nicolle Wallace on Deadline White House reacts to the Special Counsel report dealing with the investigation President Joe Biden’s handling for classified documents, and why it was inappropriate for Special Counsel Robert Hur, providing commentary of President Biden’s age and memory, rather than sticking to the facts with the news that President Biden will not be charged with any crimes.
That “president of Mexico” remark is gonna be beaten to a pulp by GOP-aligned commentators.

Personally I think it is more likely to be an indication of the President being seriously pissed off by a supposed neutral actor taking a political cheap shot.

Funny how the same commentators never seem to mention P01135809’s more severe and more frequent wtf moments.
I can see Jack Smith's report if he used the same style:

Mr. Trump is a lifelong sociopathic grifter who can't speak coherently and appears to be delusional. He wears a diaper, can't control his bowels and the smell of shit made us have to leave the room to catch our breath repeatedly......
They gotta dig to find Joe's slip ups, but Donald's complete fuck ups are not hard to find at all since they are so frequent. Many ignore it like they ignore J6, his incompetence, corruption, his treason, his rapes, or grab them by the pussy. They have no excuses left, it's just stupidity motivated by fear, hate and bigotry and it is pathological too, in that these people harm themselves and others by their words and actions. In short, supporting Trump at this stage is a sickness of the soul and the soul of the nation is in the balance.

Do I wish Joe was younger (yes),Do I wish the Dems had a younger candidate w/moxy who could defeat Agent Orange (yes),Do they (no),So in a imperfect situation I'll put my hope and faith in a man I at least trust and actually tries to better the country that I know he actually ,you know ,LOVES. Sadly, this all boils down to expelling an absolute villain who has already set precedents that have made the unthinkable actually thinkable,things taken for granted like rule of law,a semblance of decency in politics,allegiance to sworn oaths,a sense of decorum for Presidents,and actual qualifications to attain such high office in addition to having a calming effect to UNITE the nation. Never in a million yrs. would I have expected the division,the complete shunning of bi-partisanship,and absolute in the gutter/trashiness inflicted upon us. Never would I have thought the culprit would be the NY dickhead I'd see tooling around w/Don King at At. City boxing matches in the 80's,. That this MF w/a history of criminality prior to his "venture" into politics attained the Presidency being the vile,incompetent that he was,in addition to all that has transpired to this very day defines him as the greatest political plague to strike politics in this nation.His defeat in 2024 is the highest National priority and if it's a 80 yo man that it takes so be it.
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