Is Hydroponics better ?


Rebel From The North
ive grown in soil for a very long time and just 3 month ago I went to hydro and will
never go back. hydro is #1 in my book

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
All depends on your situation and your personality really.

I would not really care what medium i used, i've had fantastic results from all, and none discernably more or better than the other.

I have to grow on the stealth side of things, and i am also a bit lazy, but partly due to having to be stealth. As such, hydroponics works for me. I need to fill it up with water once a week, other than that there's nothing really to be done, i look in maybe halfway through the week but other than that it ust grows itself. Then there is no messat the end other than plant matter, because it all just goes down the drain :)

However using soil or coco etc, you have so much more flexibility, you have more redundancy options in that soil doesn't need electricity in the case of an outage, organic growing is a lot more commonplace and easier, generally just more "real" imo, although certainly things grow in water naturally, soil is soil is all hippy shit ya know what i mean :D


Well-Known Member
I grow in soil and also started a project with RDWC. I have done hydro in the past and had good results but I do love organics and dirt. Which is best or which yields more? That depends on a lot of things but lets say all things being equal hydro will make a so so gardener better which means you will grow more. Dirt is very easy but it will not make you a better grower as quickly as hydro. Now there are 2 groups the hydro team and team dirt. If you are more like everyone else than you are better off with hydro. Now the monster yields you hear about are real but very few people can do it right every time. The big yields guys have it dialed in on everything and thats what your trying to do after all, but that is how you get the consistent 2#+ per 1000w.

Mike Young

Well-Known Member
If I could grow outside, I would. If you're gonna grow indoors, you have to make an investment on lights, nutes, fans, meters etc... You might as well provide your plants with the a decent delivery system for nutrients. I probably wouldn't grow indoors if I could only use dirt though. It's just so.....Dirty.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I should add, my cavalier 1 week tending, it sure works just great, more bud than i can smoke, well no, i see some left so i smoke that too, but it's all good, but i will freely admit it often goes wrong and i end up with a good bit of yellowing etc, but i do just fantastic in my opinion :) So as woodsmaneh states, you can then take it the next step, dial it all in and start raking in the crops :) Partly strain dependant, and partly because while i was growing the strain, i was living with a pro-grower drug smuggler, so that was all out in the open, and i hit 8oz from one plant wiht 3 weeks veg, that amazed me, although i think it might be a one off :D