Is it a boy???


Active Member
Ok, i have 3 plants, 1 is definately a girl, one is to young to tell..... but the thrid is why i am posting...

If i could get a pic i would but what i am talking about is pretty small, and my camera aint very good...

So, i see what looks like a calyx, and when i look really close i see a TINY hair coming out of the top of the would be calyx, this hair is no longer than 2mm, but it is a convincing hair, looks whiteish and pokes out of the top of the would be calyx. However it hasn't gotten any bigger in the last few days, plant is growing nicely, leaves are stretched, lush green.... etc etc. The other one has hairs that are about 1.5 cm long.

I have another question, these plants got a lot bigger than i thought they would, as they are doing ok, and seem to have sexed, am i allowed to transplant them to a bigger pot???? Or is it too late, or are there other reasons????

+REP for the help