Is it all about the "curing" process?


How long does one open the jars to vent gas build up and mold? I generally open the jars for maybe 1-2 months then leave the jars sealed. How long should I cure and am I even doing it right?


Well-Known Member
I belive there is no diffintive answer to your question. I dry for a weekish, till the stalks are kinda stiff but still have some bend...., then in sealed jars for 2-3weeks,bruping at least once a day, and at the end of the week i pour the buds out and inspect then re-pack um back into the jars. I think Its really up to you, as long as they are dry when they gointo the cure mold shouldnt be an issue.
its personal choice, like I find a month tops is all I need for a cure...but thats me...and I normally smoke some if it before then...ha
take it easy..