Is it alright if I flush with acidic water?


Hi folks! I have to flush my beauties cuz' it's over 2 weeks now that I'm feeding them with all kinds of nutes. So my question is : is it alright to flush them with a pH 5.5 plain water? I measured the soil pH and it is quite's over 7 and from what I've read, the ladies prefer a slightly acidic environment.
Would appreciate some opinions here. Thanks!
Yep that's fine. The acidic water will flush out more salts than alkaline water will and will help bring your ph down. Soil ph is best between 6.0 and 6.8.
agreed... that water is fine for a "flush"... but have you tried when you water/feed... water/feed enough so that you get a GOOD amount of run-off from the bottom of the planting pot. That amount of run-off will help from keeping the salts from building up... That is what I do and I've never had a problem.