Is it benificial to add 2700k spectrum during the veg stage?


just wondering if it helps the plant grow better if you add 2700k spectrum bulbs in the veg stage whilst having it grow under a majority of 6400k bulbs.

Ive got the option cos ive got spare bulbs and space, or would it induce flowering? i want it to stay in veg stage.

cheers for the help.


Go for it!!! i think it would be good for the plants. There have been a few studies done and they show that it does do a plant good to have a good mix of bulbs. They wont flower untill you cut the light cycle back to 12/12. but go for it dude it will just up the lumans and wattage you have going to the plants!!


Well-Known Member
From what Ive read they say that its beneficial to have dual spectrums for the plants. Its not necessary but if you have the available room and lights to fit in there I dont see any reason why you couldnt. Im not sure about the flowering, I dont think it causes it to flower unless you change the light cycle to 12/12 then it will flower and thats when the 27K color spectrum is used the most. Im still learning myself though so if anyone notices any of my info is incorrect then let me know!


Active Member
im trying these 2 65w cfl each equaling a 300w bulb,w/a 90w led ofo for budding and im saving like $70 a month with a decent looking yield so far will have pics soon