Is it good to only use blood and bone meal as the nutes?


Well-Known Member
Blood meal come from blood of slaughtered cows and bone meal from grinded up bones....I only use blood meal when i'm in dire need of Nitrogen...other than that a good mix of worm castings and mushroom compost always does the trick for me...with a few bloom feeding in there...


Well-Known Member
It would probably work, but not the best. The problem with bone meal is that it doesn't have any potassium (K). I don't know what having little to no potassium will do to a grow, but I know that having high potassium will do wonders for your grow. There are many sources of K, but the only organic ones I have ever used are greensand (takes forever for it to breakdown) or wood ash (raises soil ph). Why don't you try just bone meal and see what happens? Let the world know.