Is it hermaphrodite?


Have 2 ak47 plants and wondering one has pretty buds and the other is Just looking odd... I mean it shows that she is flowering but doesnt show Any development with buds... They will soon be starting 8th week of 12/12...
The First picture is the normal sized Bud from the normal looking plant and three others are three different buds from other plant :) thanks for help


Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
I see NO male hardware in any of your shots..

Are when the lights out any "other" light getting to them?

No? Drop to 11 on and 13 off and continue....Looks more like a Pure sativa as they are quite early in development. Sativa's can go 16 weeks +.


Well-Known Member
Looks like it revegged get your dark cycle sealed 8 weeks in it should look nearly done my ak went 10 weeks but was massive from 5 weeks on