is it illegal to talk to the person who snitched on you?


Well-Known Member
The guy that snitched on me was a really good friend of mine. Just goes to show how you can't trust the closest people to you. I pretty much sent him a couple texts telling him what he did was really fucked up, and that's the lowest thing any body can do. I didn't threaten him or anything, nothing violent, that's not me. I'm just wondering if it's illegal and if I could get in more trouble for talking to him, even though I didn't threaten him or say anything like that. I highly doubt it, I've just been thinking about that.. what do you guys think?

Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
That person you are contacting is nothing more then a wolf in sheep's clothing. Are you that co-dependent you want a so called friend that threw you into the fire? Buddy, you have a long, hard shitty road ahead if you do not learn from your mistakes. Heck, what happens to you if something happens to him? The detectives have one goal, get that file off their desk no matter who they hang it on!


Well-Known Member
Just spread word to as many people as you can about what he did, just stick to the fact and keep it simple, theres no law against telling people the truth, even if the truth hurts his reputation.

Post it on social networking sites such as his Facebook page as well, don't act victimized or start putting him down.

It's really riding the fine line there, but chances are almost everybody who hears of it will be disgusted with him, almost nobody cares about marijuana, and even fewer would think it's worth it to betray a friend to the police over.

I would say they would have a hard time calling it harassment because you're talking about something that happened to you. "Awww man I got busted by the police yesterday for having a couple plants because so and so told on me"


Well-Known Member
Hey, sorry to hear about your "friend". What a bag of douche he is. Now if you are from America, you can bet that just trying to fart in his direction could get you 5 years in prison. Just mark it up as a bad experience, and welcome to the real-ish world. This world is fucked up


Well-Known Member
Actually what became of him snitching on you? Police can't act on tipoffs like that, or did he tell your landlord or something?


bud bootlegger
you don't want to do anything via text where you're going to be leaving any kind of trail or what have you.. no message on paper, no texting, nothing that could ever be presented to anyone in say a court of law .... i wouldn't even waste the oxygen talking to him either honestly, what could you have to say to the pos that dimed you out?/
chalk it up as a lesson learned, and move on with your life..


New Member
the police can charge you with trying to influence or intimidate a witness
do as others said and do not contact him again and if he contacts u ignore
and they can use texts at court to prove u guilty


New Member
there we go problem all solved
does op have a bat mine was alum so i sold it for beer money
u got one u can loan him if he doesnt have one
if so wipe it down first while wearing gloves then wrap it in newspaper like a gift so u can hand it over without leaving prints

i could tape it?

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
if you want REP....kidknap him and torture him for intel....if you do it properly..ill rep you

and it has to be high def

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
what you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.....Just keep your mouth shut like your friend should have.