Is it ok to top shortly before flowering?


Active Member
I've got some clones that I am a week away from putting into the 12/12 cycle. Is it too late to top some of them? Is there are rule as to the certain amount of time I should give them after topping to switch to flowering cycle?

I topped half of them 3 weeks ago but some of the untopped ones are getting too tall.

thanks :)


Well-Known Member
if you need to top them, I would say it is better to do it before flowering than after! Ive always given them at least a week after trimming them before switching them over!


Well-Known Member
i top my white widows 4 weeks in flower and they do just fine with no stress i have topped many other strains in flower and had no problems with them not producing. now im sure everyone is going to give me shit for that but here is some pics to prove it. 3 WW yield was 6 oz's dry 2 oz's a plant which is just what i like in my sog setup 2 week veg as well.



Well-Known Member
of course u can, u just know from where u topped them, in a week & a half they r not going to grow back much, which sounds like is fine for u because they are too tall as it is. So these last ones wont be as bushy as the others u topped a few weeks back once u hit flower but all the same they will be fine & u will have ur height concerns solved.


Active Member
where did you get the tattooed smurf to hold the bud in the second pic!, smurfs rule.

nice buds, thats good to know you can top in early flower, i always thought you should only tp in veg, just shows i know feck all.


Well-Known Member
where did you get the tattooed smurf to hold the bud in the second pic!, smurfs rule.

nice buds, thats good to know you can top in early flower, i always thought you should only tp in veg, just shows i know feck all.
hahaha that fucker only comes by at harvest and smokes all my loveley budy lol. its not highly recommended but i have had time on my hands to test allot of training and pruning methods, i also do allot of trimming in flower (lollypopping) in the 2nd and 4th week then when i top the remaining branches will shoot out and catch great light. it works wonders for me.