Is it ok to use a heated propagator?


Well-Known Member
Im about to purchase a heated propagotor for my seedlings and clones, but Ill be growing them in a small (very small) cupboard. I live in a cold city so I will need to keep the grow cupboard at a certain temperature, Im hoping buying a heated propagator will do the job.

Am I right in beleiving this to be true?


Well-Known Member
I got this thing that belts out the heat like crazy... its called an HPS bulb. You might have one. Shit, you can even buy them. If its cheaper, why not buy a 250w for your babies? You need light and you need heat....


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the advice, but what will keep my electricity bill to a minimum HPS or heated propagator? Also which one is less likly to cause a fire HPS or heated propagator (I have many electrical devices plugged in one extension lead)?

If I really have to use the heated propagator, then would it be suitable?


Well-Known Member
I don't know how much juice a propagator uses, but it couldn't be less than having a light and a propagator. But, if you need one, well, you need one.


Well-Known Member
Heated props are bad, i got one that i never plug in now, i bought a few more that are unheated, its not great for clones believe it or not:)