Is it okay to use stream water to water your plants?


I'm doing a gorilla grow out in the woods it'll get a good days worth of sunlight, I'm just worried about how I'm going to water these without looking suspicious, I was wondering if it'd be okay to use water from the stream near by to feed it as well as just a normal watering, I know it's not the best quality but would it work?


Well-Known Member
well that's a good question but the water get warmed up to outside temp and is surface water to start with running down the hillsides I just dig a hole and dam it off and then pump it now the water in greenhouse is warm because we got a hot water heater and cold water also so we can regulate it to what we want


yes mid oct is when i notice the mold anytime i watered not sure if warmer water helps. my hempy buckets i am giving 68° water for in hoophouse whole season.


I have a ph up and down kit with ph testing liquid, would I be able to add nutes to the pond water and test the ph with the testing liquid or would there be problems with that method?


Well-Known Member
also what a good rule of thumb for watering outdoor plants? I've heard 1 gallon for every foot so if it's 3ft you'd give it three gallons, but I thought that might be a little too much, could anyone help me out :-?
go and get a moisture meter at lowes ,home depo etc for 30 bucks and ya will never be quessing when to water your plants and they will love it for sure they don't ever all need water when ya think they do

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I'm doing a gorilla grow out in the woods it'll get a good days worth of sunlight, I'm just worried about how I'm going to water these without looking suspicious, I was wondering if it'd be okay to use water from the stream near by to feed it as well as just a normal watering, I know it's not the best quality but would it work?

According to this gorilla, stream water is just fine.



I know I wouldn't have to test the ph with the pond water alone but I was wondering if I would be able to test it if there was liquid nutes in with the pond water?


Well-Known Member
You're growing weeds... water is water is water, ph is for hydro, in soil it's just an excuse people use to figure out why they're not getting the yields they expect, aka a waste of time.
Yeah, I have to agree. In no way am I saying I'm completely right here, just my opinion from experience and research. There are fellas here with a shit ton more knowledge than I'll ever have and some would disagree with me I'm sure.


Well-Known Member
I would use a good dry fertilizer. Jacks, maxsea, fox farm.

Or go organic and use amendments. Things like worm castings and compost will help hold moisture.

The advantage to each of those is add a little pellet lime and don't worry about pH or nutes.

Just let the water sit and warm a bit if its really cold.


Well-Known Member
yea man water is water if it is clean and not polluted it will do what you need when i grew outside i would build a small dam in the creek and lay a garden hose from the creek to my plants which were down hill from creek all i would do is go to them place hose in water and the water would flow to plants I hooked up a soaker hose to the regular hose and weaved it in and around my plants.... all i would have to do is place the one end into the creek and let the water flow then id go fishing in the creek for about a hour or so pull the hose out of the water and was all good and watered... this was on private land of course