Is it possible that shipping seeds to my house would be "safe"?

Mind you, I say safe, not legal!

So, if you live in a medical marijuana state, and are within compliance and hold a license, is it illegal to take possession of seeds that you have sent to you, provided that there is no evidence you ordered them?

Since it is legal for you to have seeds, is it illegal for you to accept seeds from an unauthorized individual (such as a USPS post mistress)?


Well-Known Member
There a a lot of threads that have already answered this..............if for any reason the seeds get caught by customs they will send you a letter stating they have confiscated the property in question for ______ reason....if you want to discuss the matter to contact them.....simply don't contact them and never put anything under your name if your worried....and have your beans delivered to another address........this gets done all day every and non legal to answer your q ,yes it's pretty safe


Well-Known Member
How do you think people get seeds? The internet is surely one of the most popular methods.