Is it possible to fit 2 growing shelves in 5ft space?


Active Member
Hi Guys,

I'm throwing around ideas of grow room designs, and as a noob, I kinda need a little input.

I really liked Al B. Fuct's 2 week harvesting idea (

I've decided I'm going to attempt a variation of this.

My space is as follows;

Height: 5ft
Width: 6.5ft
Depth: 2.25ft

I may be able to squeeze a little more space (for a veg room for the mothers), but ideally I would like it all to fit inside this space.

If this is not plausable, any ideas of a work around, or maybe a new design concept would be greatly appreciated.

On a side note, I'm almost certain im going to be using CFLs, if that makes any difference to space. But thats mainly because of the overall size and cost of a HPS or HM lighting.

The image attached, visualizes my grow room idea from the front. I figured as they grow they need more space. I'm still unsure of the dimensions for each weeks area.

Many thanks in advance,



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Well-Known Member
i was asking al about using a 4' tall space and he was saying it more than likely wasnt enough vertical space...if your splitting 5' you are going to be less than 4' in any compartment....just a thought....


Active Member
Is it even possible to fit 4 (week 4 plants) into a 27'' x 27'' space?

If this is not the case, what would be the recommended space for 4 plants?

I may have to rearrange a space to fit 4 plants....
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what uup

Active Member
Why not just split it into 2 sections, just one shelf in the middle? The plants weeks 1-4 on top and the 5-8 on the bottom. If you are using CFL's you can adjust each light individually, so you can keep the lights close to all plants, even if the heights are slightly different.

Just a thought if you're going CFL anyway, it might make it a lot easier than 4 compartments and you can probably use more/higher wattage bulbs.


Well-Known Member
Size really depends on strain and when you move them from veg to flower. You could angle the shelves so the top of the plant angle toward the center of the room/ Seen a nice dro grow where he built a stand and had 3 rows of herb growing with the hps lights in the middle of the room. It did real nice.