Is it possible to flower without NUTRIENTS???


Well-Known Member
Hey guys quick question i got screwed over with my rent and now i dont have any money to buy the flower nutrients, is it possible to flower without them? or should i wait another week and a half to buy nutrients.


Well-Known Member
wait, wait, wait. you need to preload it with bloom a week before you switch the light. that will increase budding sites giving you more yield in the end. that and no you cannot flower without nutes.


Well-Known Member
Yes you can but ferts give you bigger and better bud. I would feed them mollases (You will find it in most supermarkets in the baking section) its very cheap $2. It will give your plants carbs and encourage beneficial bacteria in the soil. When you get money just buy a bag of bat guano (also fairly cheap $15 per 2lb bag) the guano and the mollases made into a tea and added to your feeding water are all you will need for flowering.


Active Member
Think "outside the box" do whatever you need to do to get he money for the nutes. Just my opinion....


Well-Known Member
You can grow a plant from seed to harvest without nutes. But it's not going to be any good.

Take back some bottles, cut a lawn or two, borrow $30 off a friend.. Whatever you gotta do..

General Hydroponics Flora series is $10 a bottle. You need all 3 bottles.. $30 for some decent nutes.. Just do it.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys i got the nutes! it wasnt easy... but i got them none the less now i have a question should i mix the nutrients i have like FF grow big and FF tiger bloom not a full dose of each of course but like half and half.

Quick replys get a +rep! due to the fact that i need to water her in like an hour so fast please!!!

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
You should always start out easy on new nutrients and with new strains until you get a good handle on what is needed. Not all strains can take full dosage of Nuts. Always better to under feed then to over feed.


Well-Known Member
of course its possible to bloom without nutes. you wont be happy about the results though.
just piss in a bottle of water and youre good. ghetto style