quick question ...what if you cant cover in the rain?
a couple of things you can do about that... The biggest problem you run into with rain is bud rot/mold/mildew. In addition to a totally soaked root zone. I apply Serenade and BT Catepillar Killer throughout veg and deep into flower. I do this with a foliar application of CA in Veg and P/K boost in Flower. I also use a wetting agent. What I am trying to accomplish is to build resistance to the bacteria that'll destroy a wet plant. Both Serenade and BT are genetically engineered bacteria that fight bad bacteria. In order for them to be effective, they must exist inside of the plant as well as ontop of the plant. Thus the application must be continuous to spread the bacteria throughout the new growth.
Now i'm running a test group as we speak. They are getting the same nutrients, however, their foliar application is Dutch Master Saturator & Liquid Light in addition to the 2 bacteria. Supposedly Saturator allows for direct absorption on the cellular level. If this is the case, infecting the plant with bacteria that prevent death and decay should take place at the clone level then. I'll post results if I produce a plant that's mildew resistant this season.
So back to the question at hand...step number 1 is prevention. Infect your plant with the bacteria you want prior to the rains.
Once you've got a soaking wet plant and it looks as if every stem is going to snap because of the added water weight, tie the bitch up!! you don't want cola's hanging down as then moisture gets locked into the flower and won't be able to escape. the way the plant is designed, water will flow down the stem and continue to flow down along the entire plant.
shake your colas. shake them really well too once the rains stop. just hold onto the cola and shake it like polaroid picture. you'll notice the water is residing ontop of the oily surface. if you've got catepillar damage, that's where you've got the most potential for rot to set in. those areas either remove or borrower a hair dryer and blow dry the nugs.
quick question back...why can't you cover in the rain?