Is it possible to leave my plants unattended for a week?


Well-Known Member
Well, my nephew just recently got a kidney transplant and isn't doing well at all. I was thinking of going down to L.A because i know my sister is going through a rough time, and would help her to have some family around. Is it possible to leave my plants for a week?


Well-Known Member
my dwc buckets on a timer were perfectly find for about a week and a half. i feel comfortable, with my roommate as insurance.


Well-Known Member
get some water globes from walmart. than throw them in there before you leave them. its not ideal but it will keep them alive till you get back to them.

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
Your plants will be fine if you take care of the pH first. They'll live even if you don't, just not in as good condition. If in soil, check the soil pH and give them a mild feeding with your 2-nutrient blend just before you go. Set the pH of the nutrient solution to correct the soil pH, bringing it to 6.5. When you get back, they could be in better condition than when you left. Make sure they have room away from the lights for a week of strong growth.