Is it possible


Well-Known Member
No. Its not going to last 3 months. It'll get you through a month. After that you need to start adding nutes.
is there anyway i can use fox farm soil and other stuff besides nutes i want a organic as can get with only using water. I got 1 - 3 gallon pots


Well-Known Member
Well this will get you through flowering without needing additional nutes, but it requires multiple components.

If its too much to gather up, you can always just make teas using compost, organic amendments etc.

I should point out, if you went from 1 gallon pot to a 3 gallon pot for flowering, the soil might last you another month I suppose, but then you've still got a month left.

Theres also a mix called MoonShine mix using fox farms soils and whatnot. Its a long thread, so enjoy reading:


Active Member
moonshine mix is great not only for its nutrient mix but because of the perlite and coco the soil holds water without suffocating your roots. just my two cents and you actually add about a cup of solid fertalizer for each batch. good luck whatever you decide


Well-Known Member
i havent added any nutes to my plant ive had it for 2 months now since it was a clone
and its doing pretty nice
im using happy frog soil that has nutrients in it i think im not sure
but im sure you can grow a marijuana plant with just water and soil
it is a WEED and weeds grow without anyone taking care of em(:


Active Member
Can u take fox farm ocean soil and only use water to grow threw out the whole plant life.
I'v got a 2.5 foot plant in a 5 gallon bucket of Fox Farm ocean Forest.
3 weeks of veg
6 weeks of flower
I only gave her a little Sweet every forth watering otherwise its all fox farm and I don't seam to be coming up short on nutes but i wouldn't try anything thats long flowering or much bigger 2'bongsmilie

Mr Bomb

Active Member
You could use just water but your plant will be happier if you use some nutrients. Use tea or shop around there are plenty of organic nutrients out there if you plan on staying organic for the whole grow.