is it really that much of a big deal that obama bowed?

the420 apprentice

Well-Known Member
ok the president of the united states just bowed to the leader of another country. isnt it customary in these nations? so why are above and beyond normal manners of obeying coustoms of another country. maybe its because we want even in force our own american customs we just change everything for everbody else. its not like it was from the three hundred movie bow and i will let you live. do not and you will die. its just respect and respect can go a long way.


Well-Known Member
No, we have never done it before its not custom for us. He is just showing off his amature-ish-ness. He's in over his head. But it isn't the end of the world.


stays relevant.
Maybe it's considered respectful in their culture... Regardless, whats customary for America doesn't necessarily have to be customary for an American. I say "who gives a shit" mainly because I am Canadian at heart.


Only problem I had with it was the guy he was doing it to and what that country represents and does to people and women on a daily basis. If it was some other, respectable nations leader he was bowing to I think there'd be a different reaction.


New Member
There is an office of Protocol that is supposed to review each countries customs. I think they dropped the ball on this one.

Anyhow, isn't this the same guy that Bush kissed on the mouth and then held hands with as they walked? I'd think that would be more disturbing. Especially knowing that Bush was there to suck his ass for oil.

People need to get over the bow already, it was just a faux pas.


Well-Known Member
We need to let his slip up in protocol go and figure out how 4 half starved Somali pirates can hold the US hostage. Indeed, this guy is over his head. The world is watching and laughing their asses off at how far we have slid. I reach a point where I actually start feeling bad for being a successful nation listening to him apologize to the socialists/fascists/communists around the world.

Bush was no better. Hell, Bush puked on the PM of some country. I am pretty sure that is not protocol.

Starting to think that all politicians are pretty much messed up for our nation from the gitgo.


Active Member
Not a big deal to me. I always knew he supported terrorists and radicals........Bill Ayers-Rev. Wright just to name a couple. Its just funny to me that he or his administration dont want to admit to it being a bow.That tells me that he knows he should not have done that.Knowbody wants to admit it when there wrong......... A 5year old knows that was a bow!


New Member
I don't care one iota if he bowed or not. What I care about is that he, his administration and the Democrat congress is spending us into oblivion.

Has it occurred to any of you folks who voted for this inexperienced goofus that you voted into warp speed the fascistic principles that have been "progressing" in this country since president Wilson?

Your great grandchildren will not be able to pay off the debt this idiot is creating. It is enslaving us.



Well-Known Member
good post vi. it seems everyone miss's the bigger picture.
who cares if obama bows or kiss's the ass of the saudi king so long as he gets us some cheap oil.
hes a political whore anyway and everyone know's it.


good post vi. it seems everyone miss's the bigger picture.
who cares if obama bows or kiss's the ass of the saudi king so long as he gets us some cheap oil.
hes a political whore anyway and everyone know's it.

So you don't reply to PM's huh Max? :roll:

the420 apprentice

Well-Known Member
its nice to see that us intelligent ones arent focused on the dumb shit like the bowing but focused the spending,stripping of rights, and spread of socialist values. it gives me hope to know theres still some intelligent people. so lets quit bitching and start running for our own local offices


Well-Known Member
fuck no. bush held his hand constantly kissed his face, i think he went down on him once. but it was spring break so whatevs....