is it recommended that you trim your fan leaves of of your plant


if so are you supposed tocure it because i trimmed the fan leaves and let them dry for two days then grinded them in a coffee blender but they smell and taste like shit it even affects the tast of my brownies please help me out

Bud Frosty

Well-Known Member
if so are you supposed tocure it because i trimmed the fan leaves and let them dry for two days then grinded them in a coffee blender but they smell and taste like shit it even affects the tast of my brownies please help me out
First Darwin award winner of the day.

Congrats- B.F.


~ Out-Dawrz ~ Moderator ~
I do not recommend cutting any leaves, let them fall off on thier own. They gater the plants energy and life bro, along with the roots.


Well-Known Member
Letting them fall off on their own could mean mold. Pull them off when they are yellow dont let them rot and fall off thats bad if a dead leaf gets stuck in a bud it will mold the bud. Shouldnt have all you leaves dieing anyways just lower fan leaves should die and in the last 2 weeks maybe week even, need more N in your diet.